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    The UConn Mac and Cheese Incident – Helping Your Child Fight a UConn School Discipline / Expulsion Proceeding

    The UConn Mac and Cheese Incident – Helping Your Child Fight a UConn School Discipline / Expulsion Proceeding

    Couldn’t ignore this one…a now-former 19-year-old UConn student made headlines this week for having an all-around freak-out over not getting served enough mac and cheese on the UConn Storrs campus. The tirade went viral, made headlines across the country, and probably triggered some form of a UConn school discipline and/or expulsion proceeding.

    Today’s news reports on this student indicate he is no longer enrolled at UConn, raising the question of whether he withdrew, was expelled, or withdrew pending discipline. The more common discipline / expulsion cases at UConn, Yale, Quinnipiac, Trinity, Wesleyan or Southern Connecticut State typically involve accusations of drug possession, fighting, Title IX violations, or sexual assaults (in contrast to a sticky mac and cheese scandal). The top Connecticut Title IX / school discipline / expulsion lawyers and attorneys would agree that fighting school discipline and expulsion proceedings like these must be taken seriously, as any kind of permanent blemish on a college transcript can have a long-lasting impact on your transcript and possibly your career.

    So whether UConn is trying to expel or suspend you for a food fight or a fistfight, keep reading to better understand your rights and defense options…

    Even Though You May Be an Adult—Call Your Parents to Discuss Your UConn or College School Discipline Expulsion Proceeding

    The best UConn, Quinnipiac and Yale school discipline / expulsion lawyers and attorneys appreciate that while you may be over 18, it is always a good idea to speak with your parents if you receive a notice that you are being considered for discipline, suspension or expulsion at UConn, Yale or any other Connecticut college or university. Chances are that your parents will offer helpful ideas and financial resources to assist you in fighting a UConn expulsion proceeding. While you can click here to learn more about fighting Connecticut college and university school discipline proceedings, it’s a good idea to assemble your own team of advisors. Remember, you are going up alone against a disciplinary process buttressed by a team of deans, attorneys and administrators. Moreover, UConn’s student handbook is not the easiest to interpret and understand, especially for a 19-year-old UConn undergraduate student shaken by the thought of getting expelled. The deadlines in the UConn school discipline process are strict and the penalties are severe. Swallow your pride, and call your parents, or at the very least, call a top Connecticut or UConn school discipline / expulsion law firm.

    Read Your UConn Student Handbook Prior to Your UConn School Discipline Expulsion Hearing

    As any top UConn / Connecticut school discipline or criminal lawyer attorney would confirm, the rules governing a UConn expulsion or disciplinary hearing and investigation—whether it be for a UConn rape or sex assault investigation on the UConn campus or something less serious—are published in the UConn Student Handbook. The Student Handbook is essentially a written contract between you and the University and spells out in a very detailed manner all of the rules of the school, codes of personal and academic conduct, and all of your rights to a fair disciplinary expulsion hearing. Your enrollment in UConn and attendance at classes represents your consent and agreement to the UConn student handbook. The UConn Student Handbook lists the deadline and your rights to present evidence and witnesses. The deadlines are hard and fast, and you must follow the rules or you can forfeit some of your rights very quickly. Also know that these rules often change to reflect changes in laws and behavioral trends at UConn, so be sure to review the most recently published version of the Student Handbook online. Don’t rely on an old version. After you have reviewed the Student Handbook, you should contact a top UConn expulsion school discipline lawyer to assist you in fighting your case and trying to get the best result under your case circumstances.

    Call a Yale, Quinnipiac or UConn School Discipline Expulsion Law Firm Today

    The team of school expulsion, school discipline, and Title IX lawyers at Mark Sherman Law have handled UConn, Yale, Quinnipiac and other university or college discipline and expulsion proceedings around the country on behalf of Connecticut and New York residents. We know what we’re going up against. We also know the pressure points, vulnerabilities and most effective school discipline expulsion defense strategies to put forward in a Connecticut college or university school discipline hearing. So call the Mark Sherman Law Firm today to schedule a consultation and give yourself or your child a fighting chance to save their academic record.