Getting accused or investigated for rape / sex assault in Stamford or Greenwich Connecticut can wreak havoc on your personal and professional lives. As any of the best Greenwich and Stamford criminal lawyer and attorneys know, Stamford and Greenwich sex crimes detectives work in a specialized unit called the “Special Victims Unit” or “SVU.” And anytime a rape accusation is called into the police, these Stamford and Greenwich SVU detectives launch into investigation protocols that include interrogating the suspect, taking a rape trauma kit from the accuser, and pressuring the suspect to give a DNA sample.
So, how can you protect yourself if you’ve been falsely accused of rape in Stamford or Greenwich Connecticut?
For starters, here are 3 things you should know right now…
Many Greenwich and Stamford Connecticut rape investigations arise from date rape scenarios—when two people are involved in a personal or romantic relationship, but then someone accuses the other of sexual contact without mutual consent.
But here’s the tricky thing that any top Stamford or Greenwich Connecticut rape criminal lawyer will tell you about Connecticut rape laws: even if there’s express consent—when both parties say “yes” and agree to sexual contact—the contact can still be considered rape or sex assault if the participants are drinking, drunk or high.
Having sex while drunk or high can get you arrested in Greenwich or Stamford for “Statutory Rape” or “Sexual Assault in the Second Degree” under CGS 53a-71. Follow this link for more info on fighting Stamford / Greenwich Connecticut Statutory Rape arrests.
Whenever someone is detained or questioned by Stamford or Greenwich Police SVU Detectives for suspicion of date rape / statutory rape, it is likely that the accuser has already gone to the hospital to submit a “rape kit”—which are medical samples and swabs of forensic DNA evidence of parts of the accuser’s body where the rape allegedly occurred.
So the very first thing Stamford or Greenwich Police will want from any rape suspect is to take a DNA sample (they will want to swab their penis or vagina) and to examine the suspect’s body, underwear and clothing. While you are never permitted to destroy evidence, you are entitled to refuse to turn over any DNA samples or property of yours, unless the police have a valid search warrant.
So before submitting a DNA sample to Stamford or Greenwich Connecticut rape investigators, or turning anything over to the police, talk to a top Stamford / Greenwich sex crimes criminal lawyer attorney.
Finally, you should NEVER speak with police conducting a Connecticut rape investigation before talking to a lawyer. Police may catch you off guard, late at night, or they may show up unannounced at your front door. They might be aggressive and may start rattling off hypotheticals of what COULD happen to you if you’re not cooperative.
Don’t be intimidated. Don’t speak with them until you’ve had a chance to consult with a lawyer. As much as the police may want you to believe otherwise—there is no immediate emergency during a rape investigations, especially early on. They take months to resolve, as it’s usual for DNA and other lab evidence to be analyzed and processed at the State Lab in Meriden, which can take months to review and analyze.
So tell the Greenwich and Stamford Police that your lawyer will contact them to let them know whether you will come in to give a statement or be interviewed.
Whatever you do, be sure NOT to lie to the Stamford or Greenwich Connecticut sex crimes detectives. That’s the worst thing you could do. Many suspects panic and immediately deny having any sexual contact or intercourse with their accuser, even when they didn’t rape them. That’s when it’s easiest for the police to arrest you, especially in date rape cases. If you’re lying about the sexual contact—police believe—then you must be hiding something. Bottom line: don’t lie. Don’t answer their questions. Call a lawyer.
If you’re being investigated or wrongfully accused of date rape or sexual assault in Stamford or Greenwich, then call one of the experienced criminal lawyers at the Mark Sherman Law Firm today.