What is the Definition of Making a False Statement in Connecticut?
Under Connecticut General Statute (“C.G.S.”) § 53a-157b, you can be arrested and charged with making a false statement if they intentionally make a false written statement that they do not believe to be true, with the intention of misleading a public servant in the performance of the public servant’s official function. A person can also be arrested with C.G.S. 53a-157b Making a False Statement if that person makes a false statement under oath or on any government form. If you’ve made a mistake on your Connecticut pistol permit application, or believe you are subject to an investigation following your application, contact an experienced Connecticut criminal defense attorney before speaking to police.
How Can I Get My Connecticut False Statement Arrest Off My Record and the Internet?
If you’ve been arrested for misdemeanor Making a False Statement in Connecticut, speak to an attorney to learn how you can have your charges dropped and your case dismissed without a permanent criminal record. You may be eligible for a court diversionary program to have your charges dismissed and expunged, and to keep your record clean. Then our nationally recognized internet scrubbing practice group can help you clean up the internet of your arrest reports and mug shots.
Can I Go to Jail for Lying / Making Mistakes on my CT Application for a Firearm?
Possibly, but unlikely if you have a top Connecticut criminal defense attorney. Making a False Statement is a class A misdemeanor in Connecticut, punishable by up to one year in jail, up to a $2,000 fine and two years of probation. If you’ve previously been arrested for giving a false statement, or any other crime in Connecticut, you face the risk of a permanent criminal misdemeanor conviction on your record. Any criminal conviction record can have a lasting impact on your educational or professional future, which is why you should contact an attorney before speaking to police conducting an investigation.
Can I be Arrested for Making a Mistake on my Application?
Any misinformation on your Connecticut Pistol Permit application, no matter how small, can result in a Making a False Statement arrest in Connecticut. Whenever an applicant signs their application, they are agreeing to the language: “By affixing my signature to this form, I certify that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.” If any information in the application is found to be inaccurate, even if it’s a mistake as simple as checking off the wrong box or providing the wrng address , an applicant can be arrested for Making a False Statement.
Contact an Experienced Connecticut Defense Attorney Today
If you’ve been contacted by Connecticut police regarding incorrect information provided on your application for a pistol permit, or think you may have provided inaccurate information, contact a top Connecticut criminal defense attorney today before giving a statement to police. The attorneys at Mark Sherman Law are available to discuss your case and can help you navigate the pre-arrest and criminal court process to get your charges dismissed. Click here to read hundreds of certified reviews from past clients and call us today at (203) 358-4700.