How long does a restraining order last in Connecticut?
A Connecticut temporary restraining order can last up to one year. However, it can be extended beyond the one year if the judge finds a reason to keep it in place.
Does a restraining order ruin your life?
It could. A Connecticut temporary restraining order could affect your ability to gets jobs, hurt your reputation in the community, and keep you from your home and children. If the allegations also lead to an arrest or DCF investigation, it could compound the issues and make your life exponentially more difficult.
Is a restraining order a criminal or civil matter?
A temporary restraining order starts as a civil matter. However, it can say you cannot contact the protected person, stay away from their home, and refrain from assaulting, abusing, harassing, following, interfering with, or stalking them. If you violate the previsions it can become a criminal matter. A violation is a Class D felony, exposing you of up to five years in jail, a $5,000 fine, and probation. Click here to learn more about violation of restraining order arrests and click here to learn more about civil protection orders,
How do you get a restraining order in Connecticut?
Connecticut General Statute § 46b-15 lays out how you can obtain a Connecticut temporary restraining order. If you are subject to a continuous threat of present physical pain or physical injury, stalking, or a pattern of threatening you can apply for a restraining order. The judge can put a restraining order in place immediately (called an “ex parte”) and will be granted a hearing within 2 weeks.
Will a temporary restraining order show up on a background check?
It could. Although there are federal laws that make restraining orders inaccessible on public websites, these orders are public record once you are inside a courthouse. Anyone can ask the clerk to look up a file with your name and read the restraining order.
What happens if someone lies to get a restraining order?
If you realize someone lied to get a restraining order against you, it is extremely important you get a top Connecticut restraining order attorney on your side as soon as possible. The best Connecticut temporary restraining order attorneys know how to help you expose these lies and bring crucial information to light at the hearing.
Contact a Connecticut 46b-15 Restraining Order Attorney Today
Don’t let a temporary restraining order ruin your life. Hire a top Connecticut restraining order attorney to fight for you. Read from our hundreds of certified reviews. Then call the Mark Sherman Law today at (203) 358-4700.