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    Fighting Connecticut Sexual Harassment & Extortion Claims & Accusations

    Fighting Connecticut Sexual Harassment & Extortion Claims & Accusations

    Like it or not, there are two sides to the compelling #metoo movement. On the one hand, the courage of sexual harassment victims speaking up and calling out perpetrators or workplace sexual harassment and abuse will almost certainly create a safer working environment for our children.

    But there’s also been an undercurrent of frivolous, meritless and criminal extortion attempts at profiting from the #metoo movement in Connecticut, with false claims and accusations of sexual harassment in Connecticut companies being lodged against innocent executives, solely for the purpose of scaring them into six and seven-figure settlements.

    Some opportunists have tried to ride the coattails of legitimate sexual harassment cases, but the reality is that their cases are nothing more than consensual workplace affairs and relationships, dressed up as sexual harassment lawsuits by lawyers who claims to be top Connecticut sexual harassment lawyers.

    So before you start panicking and paying off accusers, first figure out if you’re even at risk of getting sued in Connecticut for sexual harassment.

    Is this McCarthyism All Over Again?

    For anyone who lived through or studied American History in the 40s or 50s, then you can’t help but compare unfair sexual harassment claims to McCarthyism, and the steamrolling that the House of Representatives’ Un-American Activities Committee got away with in the late 40s, especially when it came to destroying the careers of many Hollywood executives and actors.

    One of the trademarks of McCarthyism was making public accusations against high profile Americans for committing treason or being Communists without adequate (or any) evidence to back it up. All it took was a public “outing” and suddenly you were blacklisted, presumed guilty, and in real jeopardy of never working again.

    There’s a bit of this happening here with lawyers who have been trolling the #metoo movement, and some of the best Connecticut sexual harassment discrimination defense attorneys and lawyers are concerned. Executives in many Greenwich and Stamford Connecticut finance, hedge fund, tech and insurance industries are being wrongfully accused of sexual harassment, when in reality, they neither violated the law, nor violated company policy.

    Is Having an Affair with a Co-worker in Connecticut against the Law?

    It can be. Workplace sexual relationships are not against the law, and do not, per se, automatically create a “hostile work environment.” But the sexual relationship must not be a condition of employment.

    As a Connecticut law firm that represents both victims of sexual harassment and executives of Connecticut corporations and companies wrongfully accused of sexual harassment, the Mark Sherman Law Firm is well-versed in the nuances of sexual harassment cases.

    When we defend Connecticut hedge fund managers against false accusations of sexual harassment, our priority is getting the charges dismissed and resolved as quickly as possible, while protecting our client’s privacy and career.

    Contact the Connecticut Sexual Harassment Defense Attorneys at Mark Sherman Law Today

    So as a Connecticut corporate executive, how can you protect yourself against past or employee making false claims against you from years ago? Especially if they saved your text messages or emails showing you had a consensual affair.

    Don’t panic. You have rights and remedies under Connecticut employment law. Your accuser’s email accounts and social media can be subpoenaed and preserved, especially if these text messages and data will clear your name.

    So check out our former client reviews on the certified client review website, and give us a call today. Especially before you try and manage the accusations yourself.