Trust and openness is vital between you and your attorney. It’s important you share the details of your circumstances as honestly and clearly as you can. It’s also important that your attorney share both the positive and the negative parts of your case with you.
Here at The Law Office of Mark Sherman, we are dedicated to giving you a fair and honest understanding of your legal options in any situation. We are ethically bound to keep any conversations and communications about your case confidential unless you give us permission to share them with others. You can trust us with your entire situation.
Sometimes you may be reluctant to share a detail of your situation because you believe this will hurt your case or our opinion of you. We understand your concern, but it is so much better to share even potentially damaging information openly from the beginning.
Your case can be hurt by surprises in the courtroom. Sharing everything with us in advance helps us prepare to deal with the details in open court in the best possible way. You can trust us to keep your information confidential and not share it with anyone. With the complete picture we can help resolve the best outcome possible for your case. Trust us with your legal situation.
The Law Office of Mark Sherman is here to help you. For more information or answers to legal questions, please contact us. We will work with you and offer assistance in any way we can. Trust us with your legal situation.