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    Connecticut Second Degree Fake ID Forgery Lawyer

    One of the most common types of forgery in the second degree in Connecticut is possession of a fake ID, especially near schools like UConn, Quinnipiac, Yale, SCSU, and Sacred Heart. A forgery fake ID charge in Connecticut is when a person falsely makes or alters a written instrument with the intent to defraud, deceive or, trick someone else.

    However, the associated penalties can carry up to five years in jail, a fine of up to $5,000, plus probation. There is also the risk of having a permanent felony criminal record. Therefore, if you have been charged, speaking with a Connecticut second degree fake ID forgery lawyer can help. Contact an experienced criminal attorney right away.

    Why Do People Get Fake Identifications?

    The most common way a person is arrested for possessing a fake ID is under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-139. The statute allows police to charge people for making, getting, or changing a government-issued identification, or creating or having a fake ID. Usually, a person alters an ID to change their age to the legal drinking age. Someone under 21 gets a fake ID in order to make them appear to be 21 or older. Another way a person is charged with possessing a fake ID is when they do not have a valid driver’s license. In those situations, they may get a fake ID so they can drive.

    Possessing a fake ID is a crime even if the person does not use it. This is a common misconception about this charge – but all the State has to do to prove you are guilty is show that you were in possession of it.

    Many times, a person has a fake ID in their wallet when they are pulled over while driving. They hand the officer their real ID and the officer notices the fake ID in the wallet, or elsewhere in the vehicle, and asks to see it. The person can still be arrested -even though they are not caught in the act of using the fake ID. Someone can be arrested just by possessing the fake ID in Connecticut.

    Forgery vs. Fake Identification

    Forgery in the second degree is a broad charge under the Penal Code; it covers a few different types of conduct. So, there are different sections within the forgery in the second degree charge. For example, a person can be charged with forgery for altering a deed, will, prescription, or public record. Another way a person can be charged with forgery is when they possess a fake ID; which is a subsection of forgery in the second degree in Connecticut.

    Second-Degree Forgery Offenses

    Forgery in the second degree is any alteration to any written instrument when a person is trying to misrepresent or lie about something. That can include anything filed in the public records. It could be a written instrument that a person is trying to represent as being created by a public officer. A forgery could be someone taking a prescription pad from a physician and writing their own prescription.

    How Serious is a Felony Forgery Charge?

    A felony fake ID charge is when somebody has a fake ID with some of their own information and some false information, or someone else’s ID altogether. As a Connecticut second degree fake ID forgery lawyer knows, possessing false identification is considered a misrepresentation that that information is true.

    It is forgery in the second degree because an ID is considered a government instrument, and not just a random document. It is a class D felony, which is the lowest level of felonies.

    Associated Penalties

    When a fake ID offense is charged under statute Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-1, it is called forgery in the second degree and is the most common charge for possession of a fake ID in Connecticut. The penalties for having a fake ID in Connecticut are up to five years in jail, up to two years of probation, and a fine of up to $5,000. Because the offense is a class D felony in Connecticut, it is quite serious and has significant consequences that can be permanent if not handled correctly from the beginning.

    Benefit of Hiring an Attorney

    It can be critical to speak with a Connecticut second degree fake ID forgery lawyer if you are facing accusations of creating or possessing false identification. They should not talk to the police without first consulting with an experienced attorney. It is most important that a person does not walk into court without first consulting with and retaining an attorney because they face a serious charge.

    This is a felony charge in Connecticut so a person needs to make sure they protect all their rights and get an attorney to immediately review the police report and any witness statements and make sure that the police did everything according to the law. Having an experienced attorney gives the person the best chance to get rid of the case.