What are Connecticut Executive Orders 9B and 9I?
Executive orders 9B and 9I lay out the rules for self-quarantine and the travel health form requirement when you travel to an affected state. If travel and then get get a negative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test (as opposed to a rapid results test) you do not have to quarantine for 2 weeks. However, this test must be done within 72 hours of returning to Connecticut.
What if I Do Not Comply With the Order?
Anyone who falls under the order that does not self-quarantine, does not submit the Travel Health Form, or does not complete the Travel Health Form truthfully and accurately could be subject to a fine five hundred dollars for each such violation.
Can I Appeal a Violation?
Yes, you have the right to appeal. A top Connecticut coronavirus lawyer will assess your case and help you find the winning strategy.
How Long is the Self-Quarantine if a Worker was in an Affected State and Came Back to Connecticut?
Self-quarantine is 2 weeks or until you get a negative test result. However, if you are an essential worker, you do not have to quarantine or test if your travel was related to work.
Are Masks Effective in Preventing COVID-19?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing a mask to not only protect the people around you, but to protect yourself from the Coronavirus.
What are the Affected States?
States with a positive case rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents, or higher than a 10% test positivity rate over a seven-day rolling average are considered Affected States. Currently, every state in the US is an affected state except New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and Rhode Island.
Is Price Gouging Illegal in Connecticut During a State Of Emergency?
Yes. The Connecticut Attorney General and the Federal Government have a joint task force to fight against fraud and price gouging. Click here to learn more about Connecticut Attorney General Coronavirus investigations.
What is a Travel Health Form?
A travel health form asks you to list where you are coming from, how long you plan to be in Connecticut, where you are going to be quarantining, your cellphone and e-mail, how you traveled into Connecticut, and what minors you were with. This form is filled out online.
Are There Other Ways To Be Fined Under This Order?
Yes, if you refuse to wear a mask in a public place where you cannot maintain social distancing, or attend a gathering that violates current restrictions, you can be fined up to $250 for each instance.
Contact a Connecticut COVID-19 Attorney Today
Fight back against unnecessary fines from the government. Hire a top Connecticut Coronavirus attorney to fight for you and your rights. Read from our hundreds of certified Avvo.com reviews. Then call the Mark Sherman Law today at (203) 358-4700.