In some cases, the courts may sentence people convicted of a DUI/DWI to mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. AA is a voluntary program and is dedicated to protecting the identity of people who attend. So, how do these two things go together? There are a number of ways that Alcoholics Anonymous works with the courts to offer assistance to people after a DUI and help them become sober.
Often AA works with the courts to run “sample” or “honor” AA meetings. These meetings share information about alcoholism, the benefits of AA, and the path to recovery. Members of local AA groups may lead a meeting where they share their stories and encourage attendees to join the group.
When the courts mandate attendance at AA meetings, AA participants work with defense attorneys to verify attendance. In some cases a sign in sheet is made available for visitors to an AA meeting to report attendance to the court. AA does not report attendance directly to the court, so defense attorneys can often work with the AA participants to tailor an attendance sheet that the courts will accept.
Alcoholics Anonymous will not make recommendations to the courts or letters of recommendation to the courts, parole board, employers, or anyone else on behalf of people who attend meetings.
The Law Office of Mark Sherman is here to help you. For more information on the legal implications of your Stamford or GreenwichDUI/DWI or other legal questions, please contact us. We will work with you and offer assistance in any way we can.