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    Domestic Violence Arrests in Connecticut

    Getting arrested for a Connecticut domestic violence crime may feel like being thrown into a gauntlet of legal procedures, hearings and uncomfortable interviews or interrogations with court social workers. Oftentimes, the domestic violence criminal court process can seem foreign and counter-intuitive to someone who has never gone through it.

    This Connecticut Domestic Violence Information Center website has been prepared by Connecticut domestic violence lawyers who regularly appear in the Connecticut domestic violence courts. Our years of experience in representing both arrestees and victims / complainants of domestic violence crimes have taught us the nuances of the Connecticut domestic violence courts and have helped us achieve successful dispositions for our clients.

    Understand that our primary goal is results: getting your Connecticut domestic violence criminal arrest dismissed and expunged as quickly as possible. Your arrest can cause devastating consequences to your professional life, family life, and job prospects, so getting your arrest record expunged and removed from the internet is just as important to us as fighting your Connecticut arrest. Your reputation is everything—so call us today if you have been arrested for a domestic violence crime.

    Benefit of Legal Representation

    As we explain in great detail in this website, the answer is yes. What may seem like a harmless ticket for Breach of Peace or Disorderly Conduct is actually a technical arrest for a Connecticut domestic violence misdemeanor, which can expose you to months of jail time.

    And no matter the criminal offense you have been arrested for, you will be ordered to Connecticut domestic violence court on the very next business morning to be questioned by Family Relations Officers and appear for a Connecticut Restraining Order hearing which can have you ordered out of your home and forbidden from having any kind of physical or verbal contact with your spouse, children, or loved ones.

    Recently, we have seen judges proceed very cautiously with domestic violence cases, not letting arrested husbands and wives return home until several months have passed and only after an adequate “cooling off” time period has passed.

    As a result, this first day of court in the Connecticut domestic violence courts is a critical court date which can meaningfully cost you, both financially and emotionally, especially if you are kicked out of your home for three months.

    So try to connect with an attorney before your first day in domestic violence court. Their assistance and guidance with your Family Relations Interview and your restraining order hearing will likely be a big advantage over the course of your domestic violence case.

    Meeting with the Family Relations Officer

    Throughout your Connecticut domestic violence case, chances are your case will be supervised by a team of Family Relations Officers whose job is to monitor the progress of your case, keep in close contact with you and the accusers / complainants in your case, and then report their findings and recommendations to the district attorney (also called the prosecutor) and the domestic violence court judge. These Family Relations Officers are highly trained in domestic violence protocols and their opinions carry great weight in the domestic violence courts.

    They can, however, throw tough questions at you, and if you don’t answer them properly, or if you give these Connecticut Family Relations Officers reasons to be concerned (such as by not showing up for your appointments, or losing your cool in your interviews), then your case can go from bad to worse.

    In addition to reading our pages on how to handle your Connecticut Family Relations interview, you should contact a lawyer about how to prepare for your interview with your Family Relations Officer, what to say, and most importantly, what NOT to say.

    And remember, as with any interview or interrogation, you have the right to remain silent and the right to be accompanied to your Family Relations interview with your lawyer. So—bottom line—exercise these rights and protect yourself.

    Protective or Restraining Order Hearing

    Finally, every domestic violence arrest is followed by a protective order or a restraining order hearing on the very next business morning. While you can follow this link for much more on Connecticut domestic violence protective or restraining order hearings, and how to most cost-effectively fight them, it’s important for you to understand the process.

    You see, the courts are very aware that if loved ones are allowed to immediately reunite under the same roof after a domestic violence arrest, then the chances of another fight or arrest are statistically much higher. That’s why courts err on the side of caution and issue protective or restraining orders against the person arrested for the domestic violence crime.

    Typically, there are three categories of criminal protective orders in Connecticut, starting with the super-restrictive “Full No Contact” order which prohibits the arrested person from having any contact with the accuser and bans them from returning to the accuser’s home for weeks or months, even if the person arrested owns the home or pays the rent or mortgage. The least restrictive order is the “Partial / Limited” protective order which allows contact and co-habitation, but prevents you from threatening, harassing, intimidating, or stalking the protected person.

    While relatively lax in its language, a partial restraining order in Connecticut presents its own set of problems, allowing victims and protected persons to take advantage of the broadly written language and “bait” or “lure” someone into violating the order so that you risk getting arrested in Connecticut for felony Violation of a Criminal Protective Order.

    Contacting a Lawyer

    So if you were arrested in Connecticut for a domestic violence crime, then get yourself prepared for the criminal court process by getting in front of a lawyer today.

    You should also gather as much information as possible. Read up on the Connecticut domestic violence court procedures by checking out the pages of up-to-date information available on this Connecticut Domestic Violence Information Center website.

    We have tried to compile the most useful information to help you make the best decisions for your Connecticut domestic violence arrest case. Domestic violence court is a painstaking court process which can go sideways if not handled properly.

    So call one of our attorneys today and let us start helping you get through this process as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible.