Connecticut Prostitution Lawyer
The crimes of Prostitution and Patronizing escort services in Connecticut have always been controversial. Many people feel that an individual should have the right to do whatever they want with their body, even if it is offensive to the majority of lawmakers, politicians, judges and average citizens. However, Connecticut law still remains tough both on prostitutes and the people who patronize them. Not only do these authorities view prostitution as offensive and illegal conduct, but Connecticut law enforcement believes that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. That is, where there’s prostitution, they (wrongfully) believe other crimes are being committed, such as drug possession, human sex trafficking, or money laundering.
Most of the top criminal lawyers would agree that while police are generally going after the prostitutes and people who are in charge of organizing a prostitution ring or an escort service, the people who patronize and solicit the prostitutes—often called the “Johns”—are at risk of getting arrested as well. Arrests for Patronizing Prostitution can be humiliating to a husband, father, or professional in Fairfield County. Your name will be published in the newspaper and online police blotters for Patronizing Prostitution, causing a great deal of shame and embarrassment to you and your family. So whether you are an accused prostitute or accused of patronizing or soliciting a prostitute, it is critical that you quickly contact a top Connecticut prostitution lawyer to attempt to get these charges dismissed as soon as possible. Contact our office today to speak with our dedicated attorneys about your unique situation.
What Are the Penalties for Prostitution Charges in Connecticut?
The crime of prostitution is a Class A misdemeanor in Connecticut per C.G.S. § 53a-82. According to Connecticut law, a person 16 years or older is guilty of prostitution when he or she engages or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in exchange for a fee. It is punishable by up to 1 year in jail, probation, and a maximum $2000 fine. With jail time and several years of probation at stake, it’s clear that Connecticut does not take the crime of prostitution lightly. Therefore, if you are charged with Prostitution under C.G.S. § 53a-82, you should contact an experienced Connecticut prostitution attorney at Mark Sherman Law today.
Massage Parlor, Escorts & Prostitution Arrests
We typically get calls from men and women charged in prostitution “stings” or “raids”—that is, when police conduct intense surveillance on local massage parlors, strip clubs, local hotels, or monitor certain Craigslist or online escort websites that try to tiptoe around the Prostitution laws. Lower Fairfield County is a traditional target zone for sex sting operations. Police figure men in this area have the financial means to attract high-end escorts and prostitutes who will accompany them on dinner dates, weekend getaways, or sex romps in local hotels.
Additionally, two of the biggest casino hotel resorts—Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun—are 90 miles away and also attract high rollers who generally love to gamble and may want to spend their winnings on prostitutes. Police are constantly in touch with the managers of local hotels, working with them to arrest call girls and escorts, along with the men who patronize them. Connecticut prostitution and sex crimes attorneys are all too familiar with these aggressive police surveillance tactics and sting operations. We regularly defend massage parlor employees and escort services to assist them in fighting trumped up prostitution charges. Therefore if you are an escort or massage therapist who is facing prostitution charges, call one of the Mark Sherman Law attorneys today.
How Are Patronizing Prostitution Charges in Connecticut Punished?
The crime of Patronizing a Prostitute is codified in C.G.S. § 53a-83. Patronizing or Soliciting a Prostitute is also a Class A misdemeanor charge in Connecticut, punishable by a maximum one year jail sentence, $2000 fine, and probation. The law explicitly forbids a person for paying money, or any type of consideration, to another person in exchange for having someone engage in sexual conduct. Warning: the mere request or proposition itself is against the law and a violation of this criminal statute. So even just asking someone “How much for…???” could get you charged with this crime, even if you do not have the intention of going through with it. Top Connecticut prostitution lawyers will agree that while courts can generally be lenient on Patronizing Prostitution defendants (so long as the Prostitutes are of legal age and consent capabilities), the most damaging impact of a Patronizing arrest is the publicity that surrounds the arrest, both online and offline.
Erasing Your Patronizing Prostitution Charges Off the Internet
Fortunately, local defense attorneys can work with you to try and knock out your Connecticut Patronizing a Prostitute criminal case by getting your Patronizing Prostitution charges dismissed, and just as importantly, we can attempt to cleanse or “scrub” the internet of any mention of your Prostitution arrest. Our firm is a leader in Connecticut internet scrubbing law and will apply our time-tested pressure points on online media entities to attempt to get your Prostitution arrest offline and erased as soon as possible.
Patronizing Prostitution from a Motor Vehicle
Connecticut is also a bit unique in that a separate criminal charge exists for Patronizing Prostitution from a Motor Vehicle under C.G.S. § 53a-83a. This law forbids anyone inside a motor vehicle from paying or offering to pay someone for sexual contact. Clearly this law is from the 1970s and 1980s (think of the film “Pretty Woman”), and has not been updated to consider the Internet—a further reflection of how prostitution laws are trapped in time. Perhaps Connecticut lawmakers have been asleep for the past decade. The reality is that the internet has cannibalized the escort and prostitution business. The days of pulling over to a street corner and flagging down a prostitute are long gone. Websites, chat rooms, apps, and other internet technologies have enabled “prostitute-per-click” technology. So while this law may be archaic, it only emphasizes how aggressive Connecticut police now are today in investigating and prosecuting online prostitution. If someone has questions pertaining to the above prostitution charges, they should contact a Connecticut defense attorney to learn if they may apply in a certain case.
Fighting Prostitution and Escort Service Charges in Connecticut
For well over a decade, the Mark Sherman Law Firm has aggressively and successfully fought Connecticut Prostitution arrests in Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich, Bridgeport and throughout Connecticut. Our “two-attorney” police report analysis ensures that your police reports are carefully reviewed by two of our criminal attorneys for errors and constitutional violations. Often in police stings and busts of massage parlors and escort services, money is seized and everyone involved in these businesses are rounded up and arrested when only one or two people may truly be the people committing the prostitution crimes. Make no mistake—escort services that do not permit customers to pay for sexual conduct are LEGAL. While police may want to shut certain escort business and massage parlors down for good, they have no right to shut down these businesses just because they don’t approve of their legal business activities.
Our Connecticut prostitution lawyers will also aggressively fight Patronizing Prostitution & Solicitation charges on behalf of the “Johns” who are accused of doing business with an alleged prostitute. We have had continued success in getting these cases dismissed, and in some circumstances, even quashing arrests before a “John” is arrested, and subsequently embarrassed by an online arrest report. In either event, we explore every defense strategy with you and craft a defense that we believe will get you the best possible result. We are not afraid to ruffle feathers at the courthouse if it is going to benefit your defense—we gladly work with and against the State’s Attorneys prosecuting your case, depending on the legal and factual issues surrounding your case.
Contact a Connecticut Prostitution Lawyer Today
If you are charged with Prostitution under C.G.S. § 53a-82, or Patronizing a Prostitute under C.G.S. § 53a-83, or if you are charged with Patronizing a Prostitute from a Motor Vehicle under C.G.S. § 53a-83, you should contact the Connecticut Prostitution lawyers at Mark Sherman Law today. Our rates are extremely competitive, and our team approach to crafting strong escort service defenses distinguishes us from our peers. Call our firm today to get started.