Stamford Breach of Peace Arrest Lawyer
If you were recently arrested for breach of peace following a dispute with a family or household member, you should seek help from a local criminal defense attorney. Reach out to a Stamford breach of peace arrest lawyer to discuss your case, rights, and legal options.
When Might Someone Be Arrested for Breach of Peace?
According to Connecticut General Statutes §53a-181, there are numerous different actions that might constitute second-degree breach of the. In most cases classified as domestic violence, though, breach of the peace entails someone getting into a public fight with a spouse, relationship partner, family member, or member of their household—specifically, a fight involving abusive language as well as threatened or actual violent conduct.
Second-degree beach of peace arrest is a class B misdemeanor, which means criminal penalties upon conviction could include a six-month stay in prison, a maximum $1,000 fine, and a lengthy probationary period. Additionally, domestic violence proceedings may involve the issuance of a temporary protective order, an investigation by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, and potentially restrictions on where a defendant can go and who they can talk to.
Fortunately, seasoned legal counsel could help manage both sides of a case like this. Experienced Stamford breach of peace arrest attorneys are generally familiar with how courts handle these kinds of situations, as well as with how defendants can strengthen their own legal defense and effectively pursue a positive case resolution.
What Should a Person Expect After a Breach of Peace Arrest?
People who are arrested for and charged with breaching the peace in Connecticut are not always booked and detained until their arraignment—in some situations, law enforcement will let someone go with a ticket ordering them to appear in court at a later date. Either way, the initial arraignment hearing usually occurs within two weeks of a defendant’s arrest in the Superior Court closest to them, so it is usually best to hire a breach of peace arrest lawyer in Stamford sooner rather than later.
If a breach of peace offense is classified as domestic violence, though, this arraignment hearing will usually happen much more quickly, often on the next business morning following an arrest. In addition to setting bail and release conditions, arraignment for a domestic violence offense almost always includes the imposition of a temporary protective order, which will last until the defendant’s criminal case concludes and may require them to move into different lodgings or cease all contact with their alleged victim.
Meet with a Stamford Breach of Peace Arrest Attorney as Soon as Possible
A misdemeanor breach of peace arrest could significantly derail your future plans and prospects. Let a Stamford breach of peace arrest lawyer answer your questions and help you fight your case today. Read our reviews here, and call today to schedule a consultation.