Wilton Theft Lawyer
A Wilton theft lawyer can help you fight the charges and work to minimize any negative consequences they carry, including damage to your reputation. Representation by a top criminal defense lawyer can also protect your rights and help you avoid saying or doing something to jeopardize your case.
What Are the Penalties for Theft in Wilton?
Those convicted of theft offenses can be sentenced to as much as 20 years in prison if the crime involves valuable property or the use of extortion. Many theft crimes are punished under the definitions and classifications for larceny, found in the Connecticut penal code starting at Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) §53a-122.
What Is Misdemeanor Larceny?
The code defines six degrees of larceny, three of which are misdemeanors. Larceny in the sixth degree, the offense with the lowest maximum sentences, occurs when someone wrongfully takes property worth less than $500. Individuals convicted may be imprisoned for up to three months and required to pay a fine of up to $500. In addition, a court may order the person convicted to pay back an amount equal to the value of what was taken.
Larceny in the fifth degree involves property worth between $500 and $1,000, while larceny in the fourth degree occurs when someone takes property worth more than $1,000 but less than $2,000. The maximum terms of imprisonment for these offenses are six months and one year, respectively. A theft lawyer in Wilton can work to negotiate for alternatives to criminal penalties in many misdemeanor theft cases.
How Serious Is Felony Larceny?
Larceny in the first, second, and third degrees are felony charges. If you take property worth at least $2,000 but less than $10,000, you can be convicted of third-degree larceny, which is a Class D felony. Theft involving public records or confidential scientific material can also be treated as larceny in the third degree. Those convicted may be sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
Second-degree larceny involves property worth between $10,000 and $20,000 or property taken “from the person of another” such as in pickpocket situations. This Class C felony is punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine as high as $10,000.
First-degree larceny involves taking property by means of extortion, taking property valued over $20,000, or taking property by defrauding a public community of more than $2,000. This is a Class B felony and carries the risk of significant prison time and fines.
What Reputational Consequences are There?
Any conviction on your record, even for a misdemeanor, carries social and reputational consequences that may long outlive the legal consequences. A felony record can hinder your ability to obtain employment or housing. A Wilton theft lawyer can work to keep your record clean and minimize adverse consequences.
Consult a Dedicated Wilton Theft Attorney
Help from an experienced Wilton theft lawyer can minimize the damage to your reputation and help you walk away with a positive outcome. To learn more about the assistance a theft lawyer could provide in your unique case, call Mark Sherman Law today.