Fighting Arrests for Possession of Child Pornography in Stamford
- A Stamford Possession of Child Pornography charge is a serious felony with mandatory jail time.
- An expert digital forensic examiner can help keep you out of jail.
- A comprehensive risk evaluation by respected experts can help your case.
- If you were arrested for Possession of Child Pornography in Stamford, contact a top Child Porn defense lawyer today.
What are the Penalties for Possession of Child Pornography in Stamford?
Under Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-196d, 53a-196e, and 53a-196f, the severity of Possession of Child Pornography charges in Stamford depends on how many illegal images are found. It can be a Class B, C, or D felony. No matter the degree though, an arrest for possession of child porn carries with it the potential for serious jail time, including mandatory jail time that can range from 1-5 years.
What if I Accidentally Downloaded Illegal Images Depicting Minors?
The best Stamford attorneys often speak to clients arrested for Possession of Child Pornography who claim they had no idea their computer had illegal images on it. Child pornography laws have a knowledge and intent element – this means the prosecutor needs to prove that you had the intent to possess it and that you could access it. The best attorneys frequently hire digital forensic examiners to say definitively where, when, and how the images got on your device.
What Can I Do to Help My Stamford Child Pornography Case?
A thorough evaluation by a member of the Connecticut Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders, or “CATSO”, is always a helpful piece of objective information to show the prosecutor and judge. This evaluation is in-depth and can tell the judge whether you are low or high risk to offend again, and if this was a deviation from your normal behavior.
Can I Fight the Number of Child Pornography Images I am Accused of Possessing?
Yes, always. There are two ways to do this. First, you can challenge whether the images were actually accessible or if they were located in a part of your computer you can’t access. Second, they can challenge whether the subjects of the images are actually an illegal age. Because these are difficult questions to answer and prove, the best Stamford attorneys work with forensic computer experts to work through these complicated issues in Child Porn cases.
What Happens in Court after a Possession of Child Pornography Arrest?
Once you are arrested and processed for Child Pornography in Stamford, you’ll be given a court date. From there, your top defense attorney will begin negotiating with the prosecutor and judge, engaging experts, and building your defense. If the number of images is very high, your attorney will also be prepared to deal with the potential for federal government involvement. Being exposed to years of potential jail, including mandatory time, means you need a top defense attorney on your side as soon as possible after your Child Pornography arrest.
Let a Stamford Attorney Fight Your Possession of Child Pornography Arrest
Fighting Illegal Possession of Child Pornography arrests is complicated and requires a strong understanding of the law, experts, and electronic forensics. If you’re arrested in Stamford for Illegal Possession of Child Pornography, you need an experienced team that has successfully defended cases in the past. Check out reviews from some of our past clients at Then call the Law Offices of Mark Sherman today.