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    When Can We Expect Connecticut Criminal Courts to Re-Open during COVID?

    When Can We Expect Connecticut Criminal Courts to Re-Open during COVID?
    • The COVID-19 pandemic has still closed Connecticut courts for regular business.
    • Connecticut courts are still only open for “Priority One Business Functions.”
    • Slowly but surely, courts are starting to be opened, virtually, for other matters.
    • Court dates are now being moved into the summer months.
    • If you find yourself arrested, call a top Connecticut criminal attorney as soon as possible.

    Why Are Connecticut Courts Still Closed?

    As Connecticut braces itself for what many believe will be the height of COVID-19 infections, Connecticut courts are doing their part to stop the spread. Courts continue to operate only to Priority One cases such as people being held on bond, domestic violence arraignments, restraining orders, and emergency motions.

    Are All Connecticut Courts Closed?

    No. A select few remain open. For example. Stamford court and Norwalk court have been shut down until further notice. All courts have been closed Tuesdays and Thursdays. All business in those courts has been transferred to Bridgeport court. There are similar consolidations all around the state.

    When Will Courts Start to Hear Other Matters?

    Courts in the area, including the Bridgeport Court, are still restricting who can go inside the courthouse. However, courts like Stamford court are aiming to resume handling business that can be done “on the papers” or in writing by, the end of May.

    Are Courts Still Open for Victims of Domestic Violence?

    Yes. Victims of domestic violence can still enter the courthouse to file for restraining orders. They can also do so remotely. For more on how to navigate courts as a domestic violence victim during the pandemic, click here.

    What If I Get Arrested in Connecticut during COVID-Will I Have to Go to Court?

    If you find yourself arrested now, one of two things will happen. The police will release you with a promise to appear in court sometime in the summer, or they will hold you on bond and you will appear before the judge the next business day.

    Is DCF Still Active While Courts Are Closed?

    Yes. DCF workers are trying t work remotely but if a report is made, they will still show up at your door to investigate. To learn more about defending yourself from DCF, click here.

    When Will Connecticut Courts Re-open?

    Nobody is completely sure. Optimistically, courts will be open and resume business by the end of May. However, that depends on everyone doing his or her part to stop the spread of COVID-19. This includes social distancing, washing your hands, and self-quarantining when you feel ill.

    Call a Top Connecticut Criminal Attorney Today

    These are uncertain times. Contact a top Connecticut attorney with any issues you may be having with the legal system. Read from our hundreds of certified reviews. Then call the Mark Sherman Law today at (203) 358-4700.