Do I Have to Use Accelerated Rehabilitation for a Greenwich Risk of Injury to a Minor Arrest?
- Connecticut’s risk of injury statute is broad and can encompass a wide range of actions.
- Greenwich Risk of injury charges are often tacked on with domestic violence arrests, when a child is present.
- If you are charged with Risk of Injury, you will also be investigated by the Department of Children and Families.
- Call an experienced Risk of Injury attorney before going to court or speaking to DCF.
What is the Risk of Injury to a Child Statute in Greenwich?
Under Connecticut General Statute (“CGS”) § 53-21, Risk of Injury to a Minor occurs anytime a person willfully or unlawfully permits a child under the age of sixteen to be placed in a situation where: (1) the life or limb or the child is endangered, (2) the health of the child is likely to be injured, or (3) the morals of the child are likely to be impaired. CGS § 53-21 Risk of Injury also occurs any time a person has contact with the intimate parts of a child under the age of sixteen, or when a person permanently transfers the legal or physical custody of a child under the age of sixteen to another person for money.
What is the Pretrial Accelerated Rehabilitation Program?
In some cases, you may be eligible to have your Risk of Injury charge dismissed through the use of a Connecticut diversionary program called “Pretrial Accelerated Rehabilitation” (or “AR”). A diversionary program allows your case to be dismissed and erased from your record after you complete conditions prescribed by the court during a monitoring period. A Court needs to find “good cause” to allow you to use the AR program for the dismissal of your Risk of Injury charge.
How Many Times can you use AR?
Experienced greenwich defense lawyer know that AR should be used as a last effort in getting your charges dismissed, because you can only use AR once in your lifetime for felony Risk of Injury charges. On the other hand, if you are defending yourself against misdemeanor charges, you are eligible to use AR once every 10 years. Speak to an attorney before deciding if AR is the right option for you.
Can I Avoid Using AR in Stamford Court for a Greenwich Risk of Injury Arrest?
Possibly, if you have any of the best Greenwich criminal defense lawyers who know what they are doing. They can negotiate your case with the State’s attorney’s office so that you may be able to avoid burning your AR.
What Does Risk of Injury to a Child?
Some of the most common scenarios of Risk of Injury arrests in Greenwich occur when a child is left unsupervised in a motor vehicle, a crime is committed with a child present—such as shoplifting or a DUI—or a child is present during a domestic violence arrest. If you’ve been charged with a domestic violence crime and Risk of Injury, click here to read more about what you can do to get your domestic violence crime dismissed.
Will the Department of Children and Families Contact me after my Arrest?
If a child is present or witness to an arrest, the arresting police will likely make a report to the Department of Children and Families to launch an investigation into the welfare of your child. A DCF agent will either call you or show up at your front door to check on your child. Don’t speak to DCF without speaking with an attorney. Read more about the DCF investigation process here.
Contact an Experienced Greenwich Defense Attorney Today
If you’ve been arrested for Risk of Injury to a Minor, or are facing a DCF investigation due to an arrest, contact the team of attorneys at Mark Sherman Law who are ready and available to discuss your case and best defenses, to protect you from a permanent criminal record and unnecessary use of the AR program. Click here to read from our hundreds of certified reviews and contact us today at (203) 358-4700.