Ridgefield Threatening Lawyer
When you are charged with or are being investigated for allegedly making threats to another person’s safety, contacting a Ridgefield Threatening lawyer should be one of your top priorities. Once retained, your dedicated harassment defense attorney can provide custom-tailored representation throughout every stage of your court proceedings and work diligently to obtain a favorable result on your behalf.
Understanding Second-Degree Threatening Charges in Ridgefield
Even if you do not actually cause them any physical harm, causing another person to reasonably believe that you may harm them can still be prosecuted as a serious criminal offense in Connecticut. In fact, it can even be treated as a felony under certain circumstances, meaning even a first-time offender could face several years in state prison as well as thousands of dollars in fines upon conviction.
The vast majority of Threatening charges in the state of Connecticut are pursued under Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) § 53a-62, which specifically addresses Threatening in the Second Degree. While C.G.S. § 53a-61aa does define a First-Degree variant of this offense that is generally treated as a Class D or Class C felony depending on the circumstances, it usually applies only to situations where someone allegedly threatens to commit a terroristic act or tries to get a building evacuated as a result of their threat.
Penalties for Threatening
Threatening in the Second Degree, on the other hand, entails either making another person reasonably fear they are about to suffer imminent serious physical harm or threatening to commit a violent crime against someone else with the intent of terrorizing them. This is a Class A misdemeanor, meaning a convicted individual might face up to a year of jail time and/or $2,000 in fines.
However, committing Threatening in the Second Degree against someone currently inside or on the grounds of a public, daycare center, church, or religious community is a Class D felony punishable by up to five years in prison and/or $5,000 in fines. Additionally, someone in Ridgefield who commits Threatening in the Second Degree while armed with a firearm may be prosecuted for Threatening in the First Degree under the latter statute, as a qualified defense attorney can further explain.
Threatening as a “Family Violence” Offense
Another thing worth mentioning about Threatening charges is that they are one of many criminal offenses that may be classified as “family violence” if the targeted individual is a member of the defendant’s family or their household. A criminal offense classified as family violence does not allow for increased criminal sanctions upon conviction, but it significantly changes the legal process in ways that a seasoned Threatening attorney in Ridgefield can explain in more detail.
Most importantly, though, anyone accused of any type of family violence typically has their arraignment hearing scheduled much earlier than other defendants, within the next business day. On top of that, courts can and often do impose protective orders against individuals accused of family violence crimes, which can severely limit their personal freedom even before they have been convicted in court of any wrongdoing.
Talk to a Ridgefield Threatening Attorney About Your Legal Options
Threatening someone else without actually harming them can and often does lead to criminal charges in Connecticut. When you face charges along these lines, having skilled legal counsel on your side can make the difference between getting a positive outcome and getting one that fundamentally alters the course of your life.
The guidance and support you need is available from a Ridgefield threatening lawyer at the Law Offices of Mark Sherman. Call today to schedule a consultation, and click here to learn what our previous clients have to say about working with us.