Stamford Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Speeding tickets are the most prevalent traffic offenses second to cell phone tickets. Although they are quite common, it is still important that an individual retain legal representation when combatting a traffic offense.
To help reduce any potential penalties associated with a speeding ticket, an individual should contact a Stamford traffic attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable Stamford speeding ticket attorney can best assist an individual in dismissing any possible consequences.
Standard Speed Limits
Usually, the standard speed limit in Stamford is 25 miles per hour on a residential road. For main roads, such as High Ridge Road and Long Ridge Road, the speed limit can vary.
Some areas on these roads can be 45 mph, while other areas are 40 mph. The speed limit is always 30 miles an hour when it is not posted.
Some common locations where individuals are found of violating these limits include High Ridge Road, specifically in front of the schools like Rippowam, Hope Street, Bedford Street, Washington Boulevard near UCONN, Newfield Avenue, and Summer Street.
For a lighter speeding amount in a commercial area, the state-operated roads, such as High Ridge Road and Long Ridge Road, typically have higher speed limits. There is not a higher chance of getting pulled over. School zones are strictly enforced in Stamford, especially during the time of day when school is in session. To understand these nuances, an individual should contact a speeding ticket attorney in Stamford.
Neighborhoods are more often policed for stop sign violations than speeding, but drivers are also charged with traveling unreasonably fast in neighborhoods – typically when they drive a few miles per hour over the speed limit.
Types of Offenses
There are typically three speeding offenses in Stamford. A person could be charged with speeding, which is an infraction, traveling unreasonably fast, which is a moving violation, and reckless driving, which is a misdemeanor.
If a driver is pulled over for going five miles an hour over the speed limit, they will be charged with traveling unreasonably fast. That statute accuses the driver of going over the speed limit, so it can be any miles per hour over. If it is faster than 25 miles an hour over the speed limit, the driver will be charged with speeding.
To defend against any sort of infraction, an individual should hire a Stamford speeding ticket lawyer as soon as possible.
Tactics used by Law Enforcement
An officer can use a speed gun, a radar gun, and a laser when determining a person’s speed in Stamford. Sometimes, they use the speed of their own vehicle to judge a driver’s speed, or they eyeball it and use their experience to determine if a driver is speeding or not.
Usually, the court will have the copy of the narrative that the officer writes on the back of the ticket. The officer will write on the ticket whether they were using a speed gun, radar, or laser. If the matter goes to trial, the officer will testify as to what tools they used to determine the driver’s speed. To defend against such charges, an individual must contact a Stamford speeding ticket lawyer immediately.
The Difference Between Stamford Connecticut Speeding Tickets and Traveling Unreasonably Fast Tickets
The best Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket lawyers appreciate the distinction between a Stamford Speeding Ticket under C.G.S. 14-219, and a Stamford Traveling Unreasonably Fast Ticket under C.G.S. 14-218a. You will be issued a Stamford Speeding Ticket if you are caught driving in excess of 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. If you are caught driving up to 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, then you get a ticket in Stamford for Traveling Unreasonably Fast. Top Stamford traffic lawyers know that both charges are infractions, not crimes, and carry a 1-point penalty with the DMV (follow this link for a full explanation of DMV points). Also, if you are a 16-year-old or 17-year-old driver in Stamford, then this distinction is critical: a guilty plea by mail to 14-219 Speeding Ticket in Stamford will get your driver’s license automatically suspended, so you should have your top Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket lawyer get that charge reduced to a 14-218a Traveling Unreasonably Fast ticket if possible. Follow this link for more on mandatory Connecticut driver’s license suspensions for 16 and 17-year old drivers.
Don’t Plead Guilty by Mail – Get Your Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket Ripped Up in Court
Once you receive your Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket, you will have 2 options: (1) plead “no contest” which is a guilty plea, or (2) plead “not guilty” and fight your Stamford Connecticut Speeding ticket in Stamford Superior Court. On the back of your ticket, there’s language to suggest that by pleading “no contest” or “nolo contendere” to your Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket, you will not be assessed DMV Points or penalized by the DMV. This is an outright lie. The best Stamford Connecticut Speeding and Cell Phone Ticket lawyers frequently see their clients receive notices from the Connecticut DMV, just weeks after pleading guilty by mail to a Stamford Speeding Ticket, informing them that their driver’s license has been suspended or that they must complete a driver retraining class. You see, the Connecticut DMV will penalize you for pleading guilty by mail to your Stamford Speeding Ticket—or any Stamford cell phone or moving violation for that matter. Learn more about Connecticut’s DMV point system and DMV’s 4-strikes-and-your-suspended penalty system for Speeding Tickets and other moving violations. So depending on your motor vehicle history, you may receive a suspension notice shortly after you send in your guilty plea to your Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket. Thankfully, experienced Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket lawyers know how to reverse your guilty plea and restore your Connecticut driver’s license. Learn more about whether you’re eligible to reverse your Connecticut guilty plea by mail to Speeding, Cell Phone Violations, or Marijuana Infractions, and how to get your driver’s license back .
Challenging Speed Detection Radar and Laser Technology
Speed detection technology is not precise and, in fact, is often flawed. The top Stamford Connecticut Speeding ticket lawyers know that there are several ways to challenge the technology used in your Stamford Speeding ticket case. Your top Stamford Connecticut traffic court lawyer will look closely at your Stamford Speeding Ticket police report to determine if the police used a radar or laser device, or if the police determined speed by tailing you. Was the device properly calibrated? Can the officer prove the laser targeted your car and not the others on a busy highway? If necessary, your Stamford Speeding Ticket attorney will examine the calibration history of the speed detection device, as well as the other notes and observations in your police reports. Police usually do not expect their Stamford Speeding Ticket case files to be scrutinized so closely, so it can be worth it for you to hire a top Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket attorney to fight your case.
How Stamford Connecticut Speeding Tickets Can Impact Your Insurance
As the top Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket attorneys and lawyers know, if you plead guilty to your Stamford Speeding Ticket or Stamford Traveling Unreasonably Fast Ticket, then not only can you face serious Connecticut DMV license consequences, but the conviction will also be published on your driving record, which is reported annually to your automobile insurance carrier. Your carrier reviews your driving history each year, and based upon information provided by the Connecticut DMV, these insurance companies can decide to either raise your insurance premiums or refuse to renew your policy and coverage. Therefore if you are considering pleading guilty to a Stamford Speeding Ticket, be sure to first contact a top Stamford Speeding Ticket criminal lawyer to discuss the potentially negative impact it could have on your car insurance premiums.
Do I Have To Go To Stamford Court to Fight My Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket?
Not always. The best Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket lawyers and attorneys regularly see two categories of speeding tickets: (1) the ones for which you can plead guilty or not guilty by mail, and (2) the more serious Stamford Speeding Tickets labeled “Misdemeanor Summons and Complaint” that require a court appearance in Stamford Superior Court. If you plead “Not Guilty” by mail to your Stamford Speeding Ticket, then you will be ordered to appear in Stamford Superior Court to fight your Stamford Speeding Ticket; however, you may not have to go to court if you hire a lawyer to fight your ticket for you. Regardless of the type of Stamford Speeding ticket you receive, you should fully understand the consequences of pleading guilty, either by mail or in court, to your Stamford Speeding Ticket or Stamford Traveling Unreasonably Fast Ticket.
Contact a Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket Lawyer Attorney at Mark Sherman Law Today
The team of Stamford Connecticut Speeding Ticket lawyers and attorneys are ready to assist you in fighting your Stamford Speeding Ticket or Stamford Traveling Unreasonably Fast ticket. We are educated in the latest radar and laser device technology, and will closely examine your police reports to break down your case and give you the best chance of getting your ticket ripped up. We are sensitive to the long-term consequences that Stamford Speeding Tickets can have on your driving record and insurance premiums. So call us today at (203) 358-4700 to start the process of getting your Stamford Speeding Ticket dismissed as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible.