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    Wilton Sugar Daddy Extortion Lawyer

    Connecticut state law is very clear about prohibiting the exchange of money or anything else of value directly in exchange for sexual services, but the Penal Code is less clear about long-term intimate relationships predicated on one party paying the other for their companionship. However, while being a “sugar baby” for a “sugar daddy” does not technically qualify as Prostitution, threatening to harm a “sugar daddy” until they continue to pay you or pay you more than they already are can be prosecuted as “Larceny by Extortion.”

    This is a very serious criminal allegation that is treated as a high-level felony in the Nutmeg State, and contesting this sort of charge is not something you want to try doing without help from an experienced defense attorney. If you have been accused of blackmailing your “sugar daddy” in any way for any amount of money, you should seek advice from a Wilton “sugar daddy” extortion lawyer sooner rather than later.

    Understanding “Extortion” as a Criminal Offense in Connecticut

    Broadly speaking, someone commits the crime of Larceny by Extortion as defined in Connecticut General Statutes (“C.G.S.”) §53a-119(5) if they compel or cause someone else to give them something of value by threatening to harm them if they refuse or fail to provide the demanded property. In this context, “harm” includes not just physical injury but also various forms of economic, occupational, and/or social retaliation, including the revealing of sensitive secrets—for instance, the fact that someone is a “sugar daddy” to someone else—to business partners, family members, or the public at large.

    Under C.G.S. §53a-122, Larceny by Extortion is always treated as Larceny in the First Degree regardless of the amount of money or property involved, which means even a first-time offender could face between one and 20 years of prison time, $15,000 in fines, and other penalties commensurate with a Class B felony upon conviction. This, if nothing else, should illustrate how important it is to have help from an experienced Wilton “sugar daddy” extortion attorney when facing allegations of this nature.

    Fighting Back Against Sugar Daddy Extortion Allegations

    No two criminal cases are exactly alike, including and often especially ones involving allegations of criminal extortion, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to contesting “sugar daddy” extortion charges in Wilton. That said, most successful defense strategies for this kind of accusation revolve around proving that one or more key components of “Larceny by Extortion,” as defined in the Penal Code, were not present in the defendant’s actions.

    For example, if a “sugar baby” refuses to continue being in a relationship with a “sugar daddy” without further payment but otherwise does not threaten to harm them, the lack of such a threat would mean their actions do not qualify as Extortion. Likewise, a threat to reveal private information about a “sugar daddy” that is not paired with an ultimatum for payment in order to keep the information secret does not meet the criteria necessary to constitute Extortion since the threat to cause harm was not made specifically as a means of unlawfully obtaining someone else’s property.

    Contact a Wilton Sugar Daddy Extortion Attorney for Help

    Being accused of committing a felony is always a uniquely intimidating experience, particularly if the felony in question carries multiple years in prison as a possible consequence of conviction. Fortunately, you have help available from seasoned legal counsel in understanding and effectively challenging allegations that you extorted someone who previously acted as a “sugar daddy” for you.

    A Wilton “sugar daddy” extortion lawyer can discuss your rights and possible legal options in detail during a confidential consultation. Call Mark Sherman Law today to schedule a meeting, and click here to see what previous clients have said about us on our Avvo profile.