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    Can I Get Arrested in Connecticut for Hitting My Kids?

    Can I Get Arrested in Connecticut for Hitting My Kids?
    • Spanking, slapping, or hitting your children are not technically against the law.
    • But if you leave a mark on your child, you can get arrested in CT for felony Risk of Injury CGS 53-21.
    • Also count on a DCF investigation being launched against you.
    • So if you’re being accused or arrested in Connecticut for hitting or spanking your child / excessive physical discipline, call a top CT DCF criminal lawyer today.

    What is Risk of Injury in Connecticut?

    Under Connecticut General Statutes C.G.S. § 53-21, you can be arrested for felony risk of injury to a child / child endangerment if impair the health or morals of a child. It’s a broad statute that covers any kind of excessive physical discipline.

    Many of the best Greenwich and Stamford Connecticut criminal lawyers routinely see felony risk of injury arrests when parents go too far in physically disciplining their children.

    Can My Child’s School Report Me to the Police for Physically Disciplining My Child?

    Yes, especially if they suspect you of child abuse or neglect in Connecticut. Usually they make a report to the DCF hotline / careline. DCF investigators will not only investigate you and your family, but they can also call the police.

    What are the Jail Penalties for a CGS 53-21 Risk of Injury to a Child Arrest?

    For physical discipline cases, a risk of injury arrest is usually a Class C felony. If convicted, you can face up to 10 years in jail, a fine of up to $10,000, and/or a period of up to 3 years on probation. Connecticut police and prosecutors strongly discourage any kind of physical discipline and they have a zero tolerance policy for excessive discipline.

    Will DCF Get Involved?

    Always. In addition to criminal charges, hitting your kids hard enough to cause a mark or bruise will trigger a DCF investigation. If a mandated reporter, such as a teacher, coach, school counselor or family relations officer at Stamford or Norwalk Superior Court, reasonably believes your child was abused or neglected, then they are required by law to report it to the authorities.

    A DCF investigation can be invasive and disruptive to your family. A DCF investigator will often speak to your child at school, without you present, and then show up unannounced at your house to interview you and your entire family.

    Do I Have to Speak to the DCF Investigator?

    You don’t have to, but if they show up at your door, politely take their contact information and tell them you will call to schedule an interview after you have had time to speak with a top Connecticut DCF attorney who knows how to protect and defend you and your family.

    How Can an Attorney Help With a DCF Investigation?

    If you are being investigated by DCF for suspected child abuse, a top Connecticut DCF lawyer attorney could help you collect evidence to negate the accusations, sit with you during interviews and home inspections, and offer advice on how to minimize disruption of your life.

    Contact a Risk of Injury & DCF Attorney at Mark Sherman Law Today

    If you are being investigated by DCF or have been arrested in Connecticut for Risk of Injury for physically disciplining your child, hitting your child, slapping them in the face, or spanking them, then contact any of the criminal defense attorneys at Mark Sherman Law today to set up a consultation and begin working toward a favorable outcome. Check out what our past clients have to say about working with our firm on the website and then give us a call at (203) 358-4700.