No. Any sexual act in exchange for money, including a “Happy Ending” at the end of a massage, is illegal in Connecticut. While massage parlors and massages are legal, when a masseuse or masseur engages in any kind of sexual act in exchange for payment, both they and the recipient can get in trouble.
Yes, you can be arrested for either giving or getting a Happy Ending in Connecticut. CT criminal law makes it a crime for any person 18 years or older to voluntarily engage in or even just offer to engage in sexual conduct for money. If you’re giving the sexual acts for money, you can be arrested for Prostitution under C.G.S. § 53a-82. If you’re the one paying or offering to pay for sexual acts, you can be arrested for Patronizing a Prostitute in Connecticut, under C.G.S. § 53a-83.
While some states have more relaxed criminal laws about paying for sex, Connecticut does not. In fact, CT police officers will often engage in sting operations, posing undercover as massage customers and making arrests – often of both the masseuse and owner – as soon as sex for money is offered or accepted.
If you’re accused of giving a Happy Ending in Connecticut, you could be arrested for Prostitution in Connecticut. Prostitution / 53a-82 is a Class A misdemeanor, so you’re exposed to up to 1 year in jail, probation, and a maximum fine of $2,000.00. However, there are defenses to Prostitution arrests in Connecticut, including if you’re the victim of threatening or coercion.
If you receive or ask for a Happy Ending after a massage in exchange for money, then you could be arrested for Patronizing Prostitution, a charge top Connecticut criminal attorneys see given to “Johns,” or those accused of paying for sexual acts. In addition to potential criminal penalties, arrests for Patronizing Prostitution can be extremely damaging to your professional and personal reputation, especially if it’s published online. If you’re accused of Patronizing Prostitution in CT, call an experienced criminal attorney.
Yes. If you’re accused of knowing about prostitution / sexual acts in exchange for money, and you let it happen or aid in any way, you can be arrested for Felony Promoting Prostitution. In Connecticut, there are different levels of Promoting Prostitution, but all of them are serious felony charges. The arrest gets more serious if two or more massage workers are engaging in sex for money at your parlor, or if intimidation or force are involved. If you’re being investigated or arrested for Promoting Prostitution in Connecticut, get in touch with a top criminal lawyer.
Unfortunately, in an age where anything can be published online, an arrest for giving or receiving a Happy Ending or other sex act during a massage can be devastating. At Mark Sherman Law, we are experienced in defending our clients against prostitution crimes and work to protect you and your reputation. Click here to see what our past clients have to say. Then give us a call.