Recent high profile arrests at UConn have led UConn police and prosecutors to enforce a zero tolerance policy against UConn underage drinking, UConn Fake IDs, drug crimes and sex assault accusations.
While UConn police may be well-intentioned in dialing up enforcement, the best UConn criminal lawyers and attorneys agree that the consequences of arresting UConn students for crimes like Fake ID possession, Forgery, Underage Drinking and Marijuana Possession undermines the message they are trying to communicate.
These mistakes should be teaching moments, not career-jeopardizing, criminal court cases. So if your child has been arrested at UConn Storrs and has court in Rockville Superior Court, here’s how to fight these UConn arrests for a dismissal and expungement…
It’s critical for anyone arrested at UConn / University of Connecticut to understand the professional impact of pleading guilty to a misdemeanor or felony charge.
It is permanent.
All UConn arrests report to Rockville Superior Court. So even if you apply for a diversionary program like Accelerated Rehabilitation, the Family Violence Program, or the Under 21 Program, your top Rockville / UConn criminal lawyer attorney needs to try and get your program duration ordered for the shortest time period possible, especially if you are applying for summer corporate internships or graduating shortly after your arrest.
Also, if you are arrested at UConn for Possession of a Fake ID / Forgery Second Degree, it’s always a good idea to try and get the charges reduced to misdemeanors while the case is pending, as potential employers will not look favorably on pending felony charges, even if you have not pled guilty to them.
For more on fighting UConn arrests for Fake IDs, drugs, DWIs or Assaults, you can click here.
As any of the top UConn criminal lawyers / attorneys can explain, the UConn Police Department will report virtually all of its on-campus arrests to the “UConn Division of Student Affairs / Community Standards Office.”
That’s why the first thing you need to do is get yourself prepared for a school discipline investigation.
How do you prepare? Understand the school rules that are issue in your arrest.
All UConn school rules and codes of conduct are spelled out in the following materials: Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code. The Student Code, which is available on-line at
Following your UConn arrest, a Community Standards Officer will contact you (usually by letter correspondence) to schedule an interview. If you blow off the letter, then you will face a discipline hearing that could result in expulsion.
Before going into that meeting, understand that UConn Police have probably shared all of their information, witness statements, and surveillance video with the Community Standards Officer, so do not lie to the UConn Community Standards Officer. If you didn’t have a chance to hire a top UConn criminal lawyer attorney prior to your meeting, then you are much better off listening to the officer, and then informing them that you would like to cooperate but that you wish to speak to an attorney first.
Follow this link for more on fighting UConn school discipline proceedings and how to best handle your discipline meeting with the UConn Division of Student Affairs / Community Standards Office.
The Mark Sherman Law Firm’s team of UConn criminal lawyers and attorneys have been assisting UConn undergraduate and graduate students and their families for over 15 years. We regularly work with UConn students to not only fight their UConn criminal arrests to a dismissal, but to clear all school discipline off their transcript so they can go on to graduate school or the working world with no damage to their career tracks.
We are also passionate about clearing UConn arrests off the internet and off Google searches. You can read certified client reviews from former UConn parents and student-clients. Then give us a call to discuss your case. We are available 24/7 at (203) 358-4700.