What is a Domestic Violence Crime in Connecticut?
Connecticut law defines “family violence” crimes as any event between family or household members that causes physical injury or a fear of physical injury. Family or household members include people who are related, married, live together, share a child, or are / were in a dating relationship. The most typical domestic violence charges we see are disorderly conduct, breach of peace, assault, threatening, and risk of injury to a child.
How Can I Get my Domestic Violence Case Dismissed after the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Have your attorney make it easy for the court to dismiss your Connecticut domestic violence arrest after Covid. Get counseling from a therapist the judges and prosecutors respect. Connecticut domestic violence defense attorneys know how important it is to keep your criminal record clean. Speaking to an attorney early in your case can protect you from an unnecessarily restrictive protective order—that could potentially keep you out of your home and away from your family for months—and can help you have your case dismissed as quickly as possible. Call a domestic violence defense lawyer to discuss your options today and read more about defending your arrest here.
Do I Need an Attorney for my Domestic Violence Arrest?
Absolutely. They know what the court audience is looking for, which includes the judge, prosecutor, and family relations officers. If you’ve been arrested for domestic violence in Connecticut, you’ll be arraigned in the Superior Court on the very next business day. On your first court date you will be interviewed by a family relations officer who will give a recommendation to the judge regarding your case. Nothing you say during this interview is confidential and can be used against you in court. You’ll also have a protective order hearing on your first court date, where the judge will issue a protective order against you. Be prepared for your arraignment by speaking to a defense attorney prior or having an attorney with you during all court interviews.
What is a Protective Order in Connecticut?
At your arraignment, the court will have a hearing and issue a protective order in your case. There are three levels of protective order in Connecticut that can be issued against you—a Full No Contact Order, a Full or Residential Stay-Away Order, or a Partial Order. Violation of any level of protective order can result in a Criminal Violation of a Protective Order felony charge in Connecticut, which can carry prison time. Educate yourself on your protective order, and prepare for your arraignment date, by calling an attorney today.
Do I Need an Attorney for my Connecticut DCF Case?
The arresting police department will likely make a referral to Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families if a child was present, or even in the home, during your arrest. A DCF investigation can be a drawn-out process, resulting in continued monitoring of your family and completion of DCF suggested services. Contact a Connecticut DCF attorney before speaking with a DCF agent or letting them in your home.
Contact a Top Connecticut Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Call a top domestic violence attorney today to learn how we can represent you in court and get your charges dismissed as quickly as possible. The team of attorneys at Mark Sherman Law are available to discuss your case 24/7 at (203) 358-4700. Click here to read certified reviews from past domestic violence clients.