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    REVENGE PORN ALERT: Sextortion Threats Against Connecticut Hedge Fund & Finance Professionals on the Rise

    REVENGE PORN ALERT: Sextortion Threats Against Connecticut Hedge Fund & Finance Professionals on the Rise
    • The best Connecticut criminal attorneys are seeing hedge fund managers and finance professionals targeted by revenge porn threats.
    • If someone threatens to post your naked pictures online for money, they can be arrested for sextortion.
    • Hedge fund victims of Connecticut revenge porn threats should call a top Connecticut criminal lawyer right away.
    • Publishing nudes on the internet without permission can get you sued for millions, arrested, or both.

    • If someone is threatening to post your personal photos, or if you’re being investigated for revenge porn in Connecticut, get in touch with a top Connecticut extortion criminal attorney.

    What is “Revenge Porn” in Connecticut? 

    The best Connecticut defense attorneys know that “revenge porn” covers any intimate photos posted without the person’s consent, including nude pictures or pictures of the person engaged in a sexual act.  Revenge porn might come up after a breakup, with an ex threatening to post pictures, or during an affair, where one person might try to leverage the pictures for their own personal gain.

    What is “Sextortion” in Connecticut?

    Sextortion is extortion by threatening to post someone’s intimate pictures, or by threatening to reveal intimate details about someone’s sex life.  Commonly known as blackmail, if you threaten to publish someone’s pictures unless they give you something, do something, or refrain from doing something, it could result in an arrest for Larceny in the First Degree in Connecticut.  Larceny by Extortion / Larceny 1st Degree is a serious Class B Felony in Connecticut.  If you’re under investigation, make sure to speak with an experienced attorney before you speak to the police.

    Can I Get Arrested in Connecticut for Sharing Nude Pictures of my Ex?

    Yes, you can.  Even if the person was okay with you taking the picture in the first place, sharing it without permission can lead to an arrest.  Unlawful Dissemination of an Intimate Image is found under CT criminal law § 53a-189c.  It’s actually a Class A misdemeanor to share or post someone else’s intimate photos without consent, even if you don’t do it for personal gain and there are no threats.

    If Someone Posts my Nude Pictures Online without My Permission, Can I Sue Them?

    Yes.  If someone publicizes or posts your nude or intimate pictures online or anywhere else without your permission, you might be able to bring a civil lawsuit against them in either Connecticut State or Federal Court.  Given how easy it now is to disseminate someone else’s personal or private information on the Internet, juries and judges are handing down giant verdicts in cases like these.  For more on civil revenge porn lawsuits, check out this post.

    Call a Connecticut Revenge Porn / Blackmail Lawyer Today

    Regardless of which side of a revenge porn case you might find yourself on, it can be extremely stressful and devastating to your reputation, both professionally and personally.  If you find yourself involved in a revenge porn case, get in touch with a team of attorneys experienced in handling these cases in the most effective and efficient way possible.  You can read feedback from hundreds of former clients at  Then get in touch today at (203) 358-4700.