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    Connecticut Disorderly Conduct Conditions of Release

    Conditions of release are special rules that the court may put in place that tell a person things that they should or should not do while their case is pending. Connecticut disorderly conduct conditions of release might include anger management courses, or something else of that nature. If you have been charged or arrested, consult a skilled disorderly conduct attorney that can protect your rights.

    What Do Conditions of Release Entail?

    An example of a Connecticut disorderly conduct condition of release, is when a judge orders a person not to go to a particular place. The judge may say to the person arrested that they may not go to the victim’s workplace or they may not go to a particular store where the victim frequents. .

    On the other hand, the judge may order that the arrested person must do certain things. Examples of that include requiring the person to undergo a substance abuse evaluation or perhaps undergo a substance abuse treatment.

    In addition, the court may order that the person has to undergo or engage in anger management counseling or some other form of therapy that may be helpful under the circumstances of the allegations of that particular case. The judge will be putting those conditions of release in place during the arraignment at the same time that they make a decision about whether and to what extent there should be a protective order and whether and to what extent there should be a financial bond.

    Differences Between a Protective Order and Conditions of Release

    A protective order is an order that is regarding whether and to what extent the arrested person may have contact with the victim or complaining party in a domestic violence disorderly conduct case. It does not speak to any other things that the arrested person must do or must not do. The conditions of release are any conditions that are non-financial that are outside of the protective order scope. That is related to things that the arrested person either must do or must not do as it relates to matters other than direct contact with the victim or complaining party.

    Conditions a Judge Can Put Into Place

    A judge can put any Connecticut disorderly conduct conditions of release in place that they deem necessary and appropriate for the protection of the victim given the allegations of the case. Because of that, it is a wide discussion and a broad mandate for the judge to make a decision that fits the particular case, and conditions can span quite widely.

    Typically in these types of cases, what you will see are conditions related to counseling or therapy of some sort, whether it is substance abuse or behavioral. While the judge can put whatever conditions they deem appropriate into place, your qualified attorney can attempt to mitigate the penalties you face and can attempt to advocate for reasonable conditions of release.

    Let a Connecticut Attorney Help With Disorderly Conduct Conditions of Release

    If you have been charged or arrested, consult an attorney that can fight for you and help you understand your options for Connecticut disorderly conduct conditions of release.