Following a Connecticut Second-Degree Fake ID Forgery Arrest
Following a Connecticut second-degree fake ID forgery arrest, the individual is brought to the police department and booked. They are fingerprinted and photographed. The police take their basic name, address, date of birth, and other information.
In some instances, the police or a court can require the person to post bond before their release depending on whether there are any other charges and the person’s history. In other instances, the person is issued a promise to appear and given a court date. They are required to show up in court on that date and should arrive with a skilled fake ID forgery attorney
What Immediately Happens After a Fake ID Arrest?
In almost all cases with a felony fake ID, the person is brought to the police station. The only immediate restriction following a Connecticut second-degree fake ID forgery arrest is that the card itself is taken from the individual. They cannot continue using it and it is usually destroyed in the police station because it is contraband. Of course, if the person gets into trouble again or has another case when they are out on bond, their first case is more complicated to resolve.
Attendance Requirements for Court
In Connecticut, a court appearance is mandatory unless the judge gives permission for the appearance to be excused. The first court date is usually within 14 days. On average, it is between seven and ten days. Even when the person has an attorney, they still need to go to court for their court date. If they have an attorney, the attorney can do the talking, negotiate with the prosecutor, and argue to the judge; but the person must be present.
Potential for Challenging an Arrest
Once a person has one case pending especially if they are going to a university and living in a dorm, the university police keep a closer eye on the person. It is important, especially when someone is a student, to make sure that no new incidents happen and the person stays out of trouble until all the cases are resolved.
There are ways under the Constitution to challenge an arrest. The most common way is when the search leading to the discovery of the fake ID is unconstitutional or the seizure of the fake ID itself is unconstitutional. When that is the case, there is the chance that the fake ID that was illegally seized or any evidence relating to the ID could be suppressed.
An attorney can work with the client to find out more information about what the police and prosecutors claim to have as evidence and challenge it if applicable. When there are Fourth Amendment challenges to the search or seizure, the attorney can file a motion to suppress it and potentially get rid of the case.
Which Courthouse do Fake ID Arrests Report To?
A person with a fake ID arrest could report to any of the courthouses in Connecticut. Any of the superior courthouses can handle their case following a Connecticut second-degree fake ID forgery arrest. The location determines where the case is heard.
The location and address of the courthouse is on the paperwork the person receives from the police station. The cases are heard in a geographical area (GA) court. Unless there are other serious charges the person faces in connection to this or separate from this, typically, the GA courts can handle this charge.