UConn Second-Degree Fake ID Forgery Penalties
Possession of a fake ID in Connecticut can be treated as a felony forgery in the second degree. The potential penalties for a felony are severe. If you are facing charges for such an offense, contact a skilled criminal defense lawyer attorney for guidance.
Can Possession of a Fake ID Be Treated as a Felony Forgery in Connecticut?
Under Connecticut General Statutes §53a-140, a person commits the crime of forgery when they falsely make or alter, issue, or possess a written instrument which they know is forged and with which they intend to defraud, deceive, or injure another.
This means anyone who creates a fake ID or alters an ID to change the age or other identifying details may be found guilty of forgery.
Is Forgery a Felony or a Misdemeanor Charge in Connecticut?
Most UCONN Forgery charges are classified as felonies. Possession of a fake ID at UCONN can be classified as a class D felony, depending on what document has been falsified. Under C.G.S. § 53a-139, the falsification of certain types of documents has serious implications for government security. Documents that fall into those categories are those that are a written instrument officially issued or created by a public office, public servant or governmental instrumentality.
Most fake IDs used by students are created to look like state-issued driver’s licenses, which is a type of fake ID that falls into the category of forgery in the second degree. This is a Class D felony in Connecticut.
What are the Penalties for Criminal Forgery in Connecticut?
Forgery in the first degree is the most serious forgery offense in Connecticut and involves creating or using falsified government securities or corporate stock documents. First-degree forgery is a Class C felony with penalties that include up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Penalties for forgery in the second degree—which applies to most fake ID cases—can include up to five years of imprisonment and a fine as high as $5,000. In addition, the stigma of a felony conviction on your record can create a lifetime of limitations in terms of employment, housing, and more.
All other forgery charges, especially those where the ID is not designed to replicate a government-issued document, are considered forgery in the third degree. This offense is a Class B misdemeanor and carries substantially less serious penalties, with the maximum term of imprisonment being six months and the maximum fine being $1,000.
Getting UCONN Forgery Fake ID Charges Dismissed
Local lawyers experienced in defending against fake ID/second-degree forgery charges know there are several strategies to get a sentence reduced or charges dismissed. As such, it may be possible to negotiate a charge of second-degree forgery down to the misdemeanor offense of third-degree forgery by presenting the facts in a way that is favorable to you. It could also be possible to achieve a dismissal depending on the circumstances.
Contact a Top UCONN Fake ID Attorney Today
If you are facing criminal charges and are concerned about penalties for UCONN fake ID forgery, it is strongly recommended that you speak to an experienced forgery lawyer to learn about your legal options. You have the right to fight these charges and protect your record.
Call our offices to discuss the details of your case and find out how we can help get your charges dismissed.