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    Ridgefield Assault on an Officer Lawyer

    For most people who get pushed or held down, the natural instinct is to push back or break away. Unfortunately, when an individual reacts this way during a confrontation with police, the situation can escalate and result in an arrest in Ridgefield for assault on an officer under CGS 53a-167c. This form of assault is a felony offense in Connecticut, one with very serious penalties.

    The laws governing this offense are not entirely clear-cut about what behavior specifically constitutes a violation, and police have been liberal at times about applying this charge in situations where it is not warranted.

    Anyone who has been arrested for assaulting law enforcement should seek counsel from an experienced assault attorney as soon as possible to take action to preserve evidence. Let a Ridgefield assault on an officer lawyer build the best defense possible for you.

    Assault on an Officer Protects More than Just Police

    While the actual offense is called assault on a police officer, the statutory crime applies to situations involving many different types of public employees. Numerous employees are listed in the applicable statute, including:

    • EMTs and hospital emergency room personnel
    • Firefighters
    • Probation officers
    • State social workers and investigators
    • Department of Corrections officers and employees
    • Motor vehicle inspectors
    • Liquor control agents
    • Police and other peach officers
    • Employees of certain judicial departments

    What Kind of Injury is Required to Get Arrested for Assault on Police Officer?

    Under Connecticut criminal law, it is a felony offense for an individual to injure an officer or throw dangerous or types of offensive materials at an officer with intent of preventing the officer from performing official duties while the officer is in the act of performing those duties. Committing this offense can result in a Ridgefield arrest.

    The specific terms of the statute do not specify the type of injury required for a violation. In many cases, the officer may show little or no evidence of a physical injury. All that really is required is that the officer must experience physical pain. Because of how subjecting this standard is, this is a matter that should be investigated carefully.

    What Is Interfering With an Officer?

    There is a lesser offense that is quite similar to assaulting an officer and is treated as a misdemeanor under Connecticut law.

    Interfering with an officer, also called resisting arrest, described in CGS § 53a-167a of the Connecticut criminal code, does not involve an intent to prevent the performance of duties and it does not involve an injury. An individual just has to interfere, obstruct, or hinder an officer while they perform their duties.

    Statutory Penalties

    Connecticut law classifies assault on an officer as a Class C felony. Under §§53a-35a and 53a-41 of the Connecticut code, this type of offense is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and a prison sentence between one and ten years. A Ridgefield assault on officer lawyer could attempt to mitigate the penalties that an individual may face.

    Necessity of Preserving Evidence

    When an assault is alleged on a police or other public officer, often the most valuable evidence is contained in digital records from video footage recorded from cameras in stores, on the street or attached to police vehicles and other equipment. It is vital to act quickly to make sure that favorable evidence is kept intact and is available for use by the Danbury court.

    Working With a Ridgefield Assault on an Officer Lawyer

    When you work with an experienced Ridgefield assault on an officer lawyer, your attorney can begin immediately to try to preserve valuable evidence and ensure that every available avenue of defense is explored to the fullest extent.

    If you have been arrested in Ridgefield for assaulting on a police officer or other public employee, call an attorney today to begin working toward the best possible resolution of your case.