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    Stamford Police Investigation Lawyer

    When you become aware that you are involved in a police investigation, you need to protect your rights and avoid incriminating yourself. Contacting a Stamford police investigation lawyer may highly beneficial.

    What Happens During a Stamford Police Department Investigation?

    Police investigations are often the first step in criminal proceedings. Police use investigations to collect the necessary evidence to support criminal charges against one or more persons. Some of the methods police may use to investigate a crime include:

    • Examining documentary evidence
    • Interviewing witnesses or other persons who may have information about the case
    • Submitting evidence to labs for testing, such as DNA or blood tests
    • Applying for and executing search warrants for homes, vehicles, or other locations

    After gathering all available evidence, police detectives then determine whether it is enough to support criminal charges. If the evidence is adequate, police can seek arrest warrants and turn over the case to the State’s Attorney. A police investigation lawyer in Stamford could evaluate the evidence against you, point out any weaknesses to the police, and help you prepare if the filing of criminal charges appears to be imminent.

    Can an Attorney Help Before Police File Criminal Charges?

    Yes. Even during the preliminary stages of an investigation, individuals have the right to be represented by legal counsel. The presence of an attorney can have various benefits in a criminal investigation.

    First, police sometimes attempt to trick, manipulate, threaten, or pressure individuals into providing evidence, admitting guilt, or otherwise cooperating in a criminal investigation. Having a police investigation attorney in Stamford present during any questioning can prevent detectives from utilizing these unfair tactics. By having legal counsel by their side, individuals may be able to avoid incriminating themselves or providing evidence to investigators that would support criminal charges.

    Legal counsel can also object to inappropriate or potentially damaging questions by police and instruct suspects not to answer the questions. They may also be able to defuse any threats or other improper tactics.

    Contact a Stamford Police Investigation Attorney Today

    Realizing that you are the subject of a police investigation can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience. While you may want to cooperate with police and prove your innocence, doing so often can have the opposite result than you intended. Consulting with a Stamford police investigation lawyer as soon as you become aware of an active investigation can be vital to a positive outcome.

    Instead of waiting for criminal charges that you believe are inevitable, be proactive about protecting your rights and interests. Contacting Mark Sherman Law could be a helpful first step toward a positive resolution to your case. Check out what our past clients have to say about working with us here, and give us a call today to learn more.