UConn Drug Lawyer
Regardless of the specific charges you face, retaining a top drug defense attorney could be crucial to protecting your rights and preserving your future interests. A seasoned UConn drug lawyer can talk you through the criminal and school disciplinary procedures you may have to deal with and stand by your side every step of the way.
What Are Common Drug Offenses and Penalties?
There are various criminal offenses related to the possession and use of controlled substances in Connecticut, most of which are felonies punishable by prison time. Whether someone is dealing with their first offense or their fifth, they should seek counsel from a skilled UConn drug attorney if they are facing charges for any of the following actions.
How Serious is the Possession of a Controlled Substance?
Under Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.)§21a-279, most first-time offenders for possession of any illicit substance are charged with a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $1,000 fine and no more than a year in jail. However, subsequent offenses are prosecuted as felonies, and certain aggravating factors—such as being within 1,500 feet of a public school or daycare—can increase the penalties a person may face upon conviction.
How Does Connecticut Penalize Distribution of Drugs?
As per CGS §21a-277, the manufacture, sale, or distribution of any narcotic or hallucinogenic controlled substance can be punished by up to 15 years in prison and a $50,000 fine, with subsequent offenses punishable by a maximum of 30 years’ imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. Depending on the circumstances, possession of a certain amount of any controlled substance may be construed as evidence of “possession with intent to distribute,” which is prosecuted the same way under the same aforementioned statute.
CGS §21a-278 likewise prohibits the manufacture or sale of heroin and cocaine and establishes a minimum prison sentence of five years for even a first offense. However, the punishments associated with this offense—as well as those associated with certain other drug crimes—may be lessened if the defendant is chemically dependent on the drug in question.
Are Marijuana-Related Offenses Serious?
Possession of half an ounce or less of marijuana is treated essentially like a traffic violation in Connecticut, punishable by a civil fine of $150 for a first offense and $500 for a second offense. However, possession of more than this amount at one time is considered a misdemeanor offense and obtaining or using a fraudulent license for medicinal cannabis can also result in serious criminal consequences.
How Does UConn Treat Drug Offenses?
If someone is accused of violating the UConn Student Code, the first stage of disciplinary procedures would be a meeting between the accused student and a student conduct officer, the latter of whom would undertake an investigation into the alleged offense. If a preponderance of the evidence indicates a drug-related violation, an administrative hearing would be conducted that could result in probation, suspension, or expulsion from school.
Students at UConn have various rights during these proceedings that are guaranteed under the Student Code, all of which a qualified drug lawyer could work to ensure they are granted. However, legal counsel typically is not allowed to actually accompany a student into their disciplinary hearing.
Discuss Legal Options with a UConn Drug Attorney
If you were arrested for any drug-related crime or find yourself facing disciplinary action at school for a similar offense, do not hesitate to secure skilled legal counsel as soon as possible. Call a UConn drug lawyer at Mark Sherman Law today to start discussing the possibilities in your particular case.