Yale Drug Possession Lawyer
Instead of trying to handle your or your child’s case yourself, consider reaching out to a Yale drug possession lawyer for professional assistance. A top criminal defense attorney can review the relevant allegations, identify the best defense strategy for your unique circumstances, and work on your behalf to pursue a positive resolution to your charges both in criminal court and in school disciplinary hearings.
How Are Drug Crimes Prosecuted?
Connecticut state law changed significantly in 2015 with regard to how drug possession charges are prosecuted. Under the revised version of Connecticut General Statutes §21a-279, first offenses for possession of a controlled substance are now class A misdemeanor offenses, whereas they used to be charged and prosecuted as felonies.
Since Connecticut adheres to the same drug schedules as those set out by the federal Controlled Substances Act, “controlled substance” in this context refers to a substance categorized as a Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V drug. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous and addictive substances, and lower-scheduled drugs are considered less addictive and may even have legitimate medicinal properties if used appropriately.
What Happens If I Was Charged with an Intent to Distribute?
The amount of a scheduled substance someone allegedly possesses can have a significant impact on the specific charges they face. If law enforcement determines that a defendant possesses more of a drug than they would reasonably need for personal use, they may pursue a charge of possession with intent to distribute, which is a felony offense associated with much more severe penalties.
A Yale drug possession attorney can work on a defendant’s behalf to contest this kind of allegation and pursue a lesser charge based on the circumstances. This may also entail contesting arguments that the presence of certain items, such as a scale, plastic bags, or liquid cash, indicates an intent to distribute.
How Does the Law Approach Marijuana Cases?
Medicinal marijuana is legal in Connecticut with a valid prescription, provided the cannabis in question is acquired from a legally licensed and operated dispensary and possession is limited to a reasonable one-month supply. While the use of marijuana for recreational purposes has not been expressly legalized, it has been decriminalized, which means that simple possession is considered a civil infraction rather than a criminal offense.
Accordingly, a first offense for possession for one half-ounce of marijuana or less is punishable by only a $150 fine, raised to $500 for a second offense. However, possession of more than a half-ounce at one time is still a misdemeanor offense, and just like with scheduled drugs, possession of a large amount of marijuana may be construed by prosecutors as evidence of intent to distribute.
What Will Happen at a School Disciplinary Hearing for Drug Possession?
If someone is accused of violating the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations, any investigation and subsequent sanctions from the Yale College Executive Committee will proceed separately from any associated criminal case. Allegations found credible by the Committee may be punished by a reprimand, probation, suspension, or expulsion depending on the circumstances.
Furthermore, since the standard of proof for conduct violations at Yale is “a preponderance of the evidence” rather than “beyond a reasonable doubt,” the Executive Committee may still sanction a student, even if they are not convicted in criminal court. In addition to fighting criminal charges, a dedicated drug possession lawyer can help a Yale student mitigate the chances of facing disciplinary action at school as well.
Talk to a Yale Drug Possession Attorney About Legal Options
It is rarely a good idea to go into criminal proceedings without professional legal representation, so do not make that mistake when it comes to your case. You can read about what past clients have to say about working with us here, and then call a Yale drug possession lawyer at Mark Sherman Law today to talk about your situation and determine the best path to take moving forward.