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    Connecticut Hit and Run Penalties

    The penalties for hit and run or evading responsibility in Connecticut can be harsh. To increase your chance of a favorable outcome in court, contact a top defense attorney.

    What is Evading Responsibility in Connecticut?

    Under Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) § 14-224, drivers involved in a car accident must stop, render necessary assistance, and give personal identifying information to  a police officer, witness, injured person, or property owner

    Drivers in this situation must provide their names, addresses, operator’s license number, and registration number. If drivers are unable to report this information to any appropriate person for any reason, then they must notify local law enforcement authorities of the details of the accident. Failure to do so can result in criminal charges.

    What are the Penalties for Hit and Run?

    Drivers who knowingly fail to stop and provide information at the scenes of accidents that result in death or serious physical injuries commit a felony offense. A conviction for a felony hit and run offense can result in a prison sentence up to 20 years, a fine of up to $20,000, or both.

    If the hit and run offense involves physical injuries, it is still classified as a felony, and drivers can face fines up to $600, as well as a sentence of incarceration of up to 5 years. For a subsequent offense, the penalties are even more severe.

    The penalties for hit and run in Connecticut for accidents involving only property damage are less severe than those involving bodily injuries. A hit and run in which only property damage occurs is a misdemeanor offense. Penalties include a fine of up to $600, as well as up to one year in jail.

    Does a Hit-and-Run Conviction Lead to a Driver’s License Suspension?

    Yes. A felony hit-and-run conviction results in a one-year license suspension, with any subsequent convictions resulting in a two-year license suspension. A misdemeanor conviction results in a 90-day license suspension.

    Discuss Your Case with a Connecticut Hit and Run Attorney

    Hit and run or evading responsibility is a serious criminal offense in the state of Connecticut. Drivers who commit this crime may face incarceration and high fines, as well as the loss of driving privileges and increased insurance rates. Since Connecticut hit and run penalties can be harsh, contacting legal counsel may be highly beneficial to you. Check out what past clients have to say about working with us at Then call Mark Sherman Law today to learn how an attorney can help in your case.