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    Foxwoods Casino Rape Investigations Lawyer

    Whenever someone is accused of sexual assault at Foxwoods Casino, tribal authorities work closely with state law enforcement to investigate the matter. Together, they make arrests if appropriate and pursue charges against anyone they believe has violated state or tribal law.

    Handling a situation like this in the most effective way possible could be much easier with guidance from an experienced Foxwoods Casino rape investigation lawyer. Contact Mark Sherman Law today to discuss your legal options with an experienced rape attorney.

    What Should Someone Do While Being Investigated?

    The most important thing a person should do after learning they are being investigated for an alleged rape at Foxwoods Casino—aside from seeking counsel from a qualified defense attorney—is often nothing at all. These investigations typically go on for months, and any statement made could be used to incriminate a defendant, regardless of the context. Even a single poorly-phrased answer to an investigator’s question or a vaguely-worded social media post could greatly influence whether an investigation ends with criminal charges.

    On the other hand, interacting cooperatively with investigators—always with legal representation present—could go a long way towards achieving a favorable outcome for your case. That said, it is crucial for any person under investigation to understand and enforce their rights to avoid incriminating themselves. Individuals being investigated are not necessarily required to answer every question law enforcement asks. While it is essential to be truthful, it is also vital to avoid offering subjective opinions or details not explicitly asked for.

    What Evidence Might Rape Investigations Look For?

    As a seasoned defense attorney can affirm, rape investigations at Foxwoods Casino make for challenging legal cases due to the constant video surveillance on the premises. Just about everything that happens inside and around the casino is filmed and monitored by security, and that footage is likely to be central to an investigation into an allegation of sexual assault. These recordings are often used to establish the location of involved parties at various points in time and whether an offense actually occurred.

    Depending on how quickly an investigation begins after an alleged rape, investigators may also try to find forensic evidence indicating who was present in a particular room or area of the casino and whether sexual intercourse had occurred there. If a rape kit was performed after the targeted individual sought medical care, that could also be incorporated into the investigation.

    Finally, investigations of this nature typically include multiple interviews with all parties involved, often asking the same questions each time to see if there are any inconsistencies across their stories. Legal counsel could play an essential role in ensuring that important exculpatory evidence is not missed, and that unlawfully obtained evidence is not admitted to the court.

    Consider Working with a Foxwoods Casino Rape Investigations Attorney

    Time is limited when it comes to protecting your rights and best interests in the wake of a rape allegation. What you do in the weeks and months afterward while an investigation is ongoing could have immensely consequential effects on your life.

    Fortunately, assistance is available from a seasoned Foxwoods Casino rape investigations lawyer. Click here to read our over 300 certified client reviews on, and call Mark Sherman Law today to schedule a consultation.