Expectations Following a Disorderly Conduct Arrest in Greenwich
A disorderly conduct arrest is no small matter. The involvement of law enforcement in what could be a potentially volatile and also personal matter can make the situation worse. Following an arrest, you may wonder what course of action you are supposed to take. An experienced disorderly conduct lawyer can work with you to set realistic expectations following a disorderly conduct arrest in Greenwich and begin building your defense. Contact an attorney today and know that you are in capable hands.
Containing a Situation and Avoiding Escalation
With altercations involving family members, often the person that has been arrested is upset with the other family member for calling the cops and they believe that it was something that should have or could have been avoided. And because of that, they continue speaking with the other family member but they do so in an angry or unbalanced or threatening manner and that causes the other family member to remain afraid and scared and could potentially lead them to call the police again which can result in another charge.
It could also potentially result in the defendant violating the conditions of release or the protective order. The disorderly conduct itself is something that is very manageable within the court system. It is a class C misdemeanor which is a relatively low-level charge but it creates a lot of traps for the defendant. And so after the person has been charged, it is important to understand that they have to minimize and contain the damage right away and those three things are the best ways to make sure that it stays contained as just the disorderly conduct charge.
How Does This Help a Person’s Case
Many times a person will want to remain in the volatile situation in an attempt to smooth things over and change the situation, however, this often just makes things worse. For example, a person is arrested or told that they are about to be charged with disorderly conduct and they become unruly with the police officer because they disagree with the decision of the police officer to arrest them or that they did not expect that the police officer might arrest them. That being said expectations following a disorderly conduct arrest in Greenwich can sometimes differ from the reality of the situation.
Bond Following an Arrest
In a non-family context, the person causing a disturbance would get arrested for disorderly conduct and they would either be given the summons to appear in court and given a court date without ever being actually arrested or more likely, the person will get physically arrested meaning that they will be taken into custody and brought down to the police station for processing.
When the person is brought down to the police station for processing, a bond will be set by the police officer which will set the amount of money that needs to be posted by that person or relative or friend of that person in order to secure that person’s release from police custody. If that person does not post the amount of money that is been set by the police officer at the time of the arrest, they will remain in custody until the next available court date which if it is next, will always be the next business day.
According to expectations following a disorderly conduct arrest in Greenwich, if the determined amount of bond is posted, the person is released and given a court date which is seven to 10 days out from the day of arrest. Then they will eventually have to go to court to face the charges through the court process. If the case is in the family context or domestic violence context, everything will be the same as previously mentioned, however, the person will also have additional conditions of their release put in place.
Protective Orders as a Conditions of Release
A part of the conditions of release that the court might put in place relate to whether the individual can have contact with the family member who was involved in the dispute. This is commonly referred to as a protective order. A protective order will essentially restrict the alleged perpetrator from having in the most maximum sense, any contact whatsoever with the family member.
In the most minimal sense, it will allow contact with the person arrested and the other family member but it will prohibit the alleged perpetrator from having any contact that is threatening, harassing or otherwise tumultuous with the family member. The compromise is an order where an individual might be allowed to communicate with an individual as long as they are not at their residence. Those are the three levels of protective orders and will be put in place prior to the person’s first court date for a disorderly conduct charge in the context of a family case. If an individual wants to know more about protective orders, and what their expectations following a disorderly conduct arrest in Greenwich should be, they should consult a qualified disorderly conduct attorney.