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    Greenwich Second-Degree Harassment Penalties

    When someone is arrested for second-degree harassment, they may face Greenwich second-degree harassment penalties a permanent arrest record. While harassment is not considered a felony, it might show up as a misdemeanor arrest on background checks. Therefore, it is critical to consult a skilled second-degree harassment attorney about how to build a defense prior to your trial. Speaking with a lawyer could give you the peace of mind necessary to present a strong case in court.

    How Does Greenwich Classify Second-Degree Harassment Cases?

    Harassment in the second-degree is a criminal arrest, it is a misdemeanor. In Connecticut, it is a Class B misdemeanor and when one is convicted or pleads guilty to harassment in the second-degree in Greenwich, they face jail time, probation and fines. With a Class C misdemeanor, the maximum penalty one faces for a conviction is three months of incarceration, six months of probation, and a fine of up to $500.

    The minimum penalty one might receive for a conviction depends on their criminal record. It is possible that their only penalty could be pleading guilty and that is the end. However, Greenwich second-degree harassment penalties could go all the way up to a combination of the maximum jail time, fines, probation, and anything in between.

    Defining Potential Professional Consequences

    If someone is convicted of harassment in the second-degree in Greenwich, they face a having permanent criminal record. An arrest does not necessarily show up on all background checks; however, a conviction likely would. While there is no felony record for a harassment in the second-degree conviction, the individual has a permanent criminal record.

    Many jobs require an employee to report an arrest or a conviction. Someone convicted of harassment in the second-degree may be required to report that to their superior. They could be fired because of the conviction or they might not eligible for promotions, especially in industries that deal with finance or customer service. A conviction for harassment in the second-degree has a detrimental effect on one’s professional future.

    Criminal Protective Orders

    When there is conflict is between two people in a familial or dating relationship, it is considered domestic violence even if there are no allegations of violence. If that is the case, while the case is pending, the courts may issue a criminal protective order to prohibit the person charged from going to the accuser’s home or from contacting the accuser by any means.

    It prohibits the defendant from abusing, threatening, harassing, or interfering with the accuser. Criminal protective orders might be issued when the harassment involves one of those relationships and is coded as a domestic violence crime.

    Protective vs. Restraining Orders

    A restraining order in Connecticut is a civil order and does the same thing as a criminal protective order. A restraining order is a civil protection and is obtained by an individual. The accuser goes to court when filing an application for a restraining order.

    Instead of the state versus the defendant, the situation is the accuser versus the defendant. The accuser asks the judge to issue a restraining order against the defendant, gives reasons why an order should be issued, and the judge determines whether one is warranted.

    There are three types of protective orders:

    • Partial or limited protective order: A partial or limited protective order prohibits abuse, threats, harassment, interference, or intimidating behaviors.
    • Residential stay-away order: A residential stay-away order permits contact between the parties as long as the contact does not occur in the petitioner’s home or place of employment.
    • Full no-contact order: A full no-contact order prohibits all contact and interactions between the two parties including social media, phone, email, or contact through a third party.

    Learn more about the possible penalties for second-degree harassment in Greenwich by connecting with our team.

    Expected Penalties for Restraining Order Violations

    The penalty for violating a restraining order or protective order in Greenwich is another criminal charge. A violation of a protective order is a violation of a criminal protective order. When a restraining order is in place, a violation of that order has the same Greenwich second-degree harassment penalties. It is a felony charge and if no violence is involved; the violation is a Class D felony with penalties of up to five years in jail and a fine of $5,000 plus the period of probation.

    An example is when the person named in the restraining order contacts the protected party but there was no violence. When there is an allegation that someone violated the protective or restraining order through an act of violence, that is a Class C felony which is more serious and with penalties up to ten years in jail and a fine up to $10,000 with a longer period of probation.

    Defend Against Second-Degree Harassment Penalties in Greenwich

    Reach out to the Law Offices of Mark Sherman to connect with an experienced attorney who can help you defend against Greenwich second-degree harassment penalties. Call today.