New Canaan Evading Responsibility Charges
Evading responsibility is a very specific charge that occurs under an equally specific set of circumstances. In New Canaan, a person could be charged with evading responsibility include if someone gets into an accident and flees the scene. Other ways would be if they get into an accident with a parked car and no one else is there or if they get into an accident and drive a short distance and stop. They could be charged with evading responsibility because they did not stop immediately. New Canaan evading responsibility charges are serious and could lead to a felony conviction, depending on the severity of the injuries the other party sustained. With so much at stake, it is vital that individuals get in touch with a determined evading responsibility attorney that could build a solid defense for them.
Common Reasons to Flee the Scene of a Crash
Law enforcement officials might assume a person facing an evading responsibility charge was drunk and that is the reason that they were trying to get away from the scene. Some common reasons a person might leave the scene of an accident in New Canaan is because they are afraid, they are shaken up, they do not want to stay on the scene if they are young, and they do not have their parents there. They might not have realized that there was an accident. For example, they may have clipped another car and did not even realize what was going on. Another reason is they may have been drunk.
Evading Responsibility Offenses
The type of offense an evading responsibility charge depends on how much damage was done. If the accident caused someone’s death and the person is charged with evading responsibility, it is a felony and the individual could go to jail for two to 20 years. If it causes serious physical injury, it is a felony that could carry two to 20 years. If it is minor physical injury, the felony is one to five years. If it is property damage, it is a misdemeanor with up to one year.
A criminal lawyer could use their expertise of the law and the legal system to help a person facing New Canaan evading responsibility charges by knowing what the cops are looking for, by knowing what the prosecutors and the judges may be looking for down the line, and by using that to analyze the facts about what happened. They look for weaknesses in the case and things that could help.
Immigration and Evading Responsibility Charges
In New Canaan, a person’s legal immigration status would not limit their ability to refute the charge of evading responsibility, refute the facts, or impact their rights to cross-examine and have a trial. With IS looming in the background, it could chill their desire to want to refute the charge. An evading responsibility charge could affect the status of a person’s visa or green card status in New Canaan if the case is still pending and the visa or green card comes up for renewal. It could delay the renewal or prevent it altogether.
Value of a New Canaan Evading Responsibility Attorney
An experienced evading responsibility lawyer could help articulate a person’s decision to leave the scene of an accident in New Canaan if an infraction occurred because they are someone’s mouthpiece when it comes to dealing with things in court. They are representatives that could talk to the prosecutor and the judge. They could paint what happened in the most favorable light possible, give the reason for leaving the scene, and be able to deal with any questions that might arise from the prosecutor. If an individual faces New Canaan evading responsibility charges they should speak with a qualified attorney that could pursue a positive outcome for them.