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    Stamford Shoplifting Penalties

    As defined by Stamford Law, shoplifting is a method that a person could commit the crime of larceny or theft. A person commits shoplifting when someone intentionally takes possession of any goods that are offered or exposed for sale by any store and takes those goods with the intention of converting it to their own use without paying the purchase price for those goods. An experienced shopflifting attorney can help you prepare to try combating Stamford shoplifting penalties.

    How Is Shoplifting Different From Larceny?

    Shoplifting is a form of larceny. Shoplifting involves a very specific type of victim such as a property owner that is selling that particular item that the person is taking. Larceny works the same way. Whether the person who owns the property is a store or an individual person, the essential component of it is that the defendant, in order to be charged, needs to take the property from the other person with the intention of depriving the person of that property.

    The laws concerning shoplifting are the same as larceny. When somebody commits shoplifting, it will largely depend on the value of the property that is taken. A skilled theft attorney should be contacted by anyone facing Stamford shoplifting penalties. Someone can face consequences for the taking from a store with the intention of depriving it of that property.

    What are the Elements of Shoplifting Offenses?

    Common elements of shoplifting offenses include:

    • Taking possession of goods that are offered
    • When the goods are offered or exposed for sale by a store
    • Taking them with the intention of keeping them or converting them to their own use
    • Committing these acts without paying the purchase price that is listed for that product.

    Shoplifting Laws

    A defendant will be charged with larceny, but the level of the criminal charge will be based on the value of the goods taken. Stamford shoplifting penalties would include possible imprisonment, possible probation, possible fines, and any combination of those three.

    What are the Potential Consequences of Misdemeanor Shoplifting?

    Consequences would include potential imprisonment, potential probation, potential fines, or any combination of those three, in addition to a potential order requiring restitution.

    Restitution means the payment to the victim for the value of the goods taken. There are informal consequences that come about whenever anybody has a criminal charge on their record, such as a potential reduction of opportunities with jobs or rights that may be curtailed.

    What is a Shoplifting Felony?

    Shoplifting is considered a felony offense when the value of the property passes the threshold to put in into the felony range, which is over $2,000. Individuals facing this charge should speak with an attorney regarding the Stamford shoplifting penalties they may face.

    Difference of Second Offense Penalties

    The same potential consequences would be available to a second-time offender as it was to a first-time offender, except that the judge and/or prosecutor would be looking to impose a more severe punishment within the possible range of punishment that might be authorized for being a second-time offender.

    Work with an attorney from our firm to learn more about Stamford shoplifting penalties and to work on a defense.