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    Title IX Investigation Vs Criminal Charges in Stamford

    It is not uncommon for both a Title IX investigation and a criminal investigation or adjudication, that arises from the same incident, to occur at the same time.  It is also not uncommon for the outcomes of both cases to be different.    This is because Title IX investigations and criminal charges in Stamford have very different legal procedures, standards of proof and the consequences of each case can play out in very different ways.

    Understanding the key differences between these two types of proceedings can be important for enforcing your rights effectively and achieving the best possible resolution to either or both types of cases. With that in mind, here is a brief overview of how Title IX cases and criminal cases are unique from each other, each aspect of which a seasoned Title IX lawyer can explain in more detail during a confidential consultation.

    What Rights Do People Under Title IX Investigation Have?

    One very important distinction between Title IX investigations and criminal investigations in Stamford is that people subject to Title IX investigations do not have the same Constitutionally guaranteed rights provided to people charged with criminal offenses. This means that people under a Title IX investigation will not be provided legal counsel, if they cannot afford a private attorney. Furthermore, if they chose to remain silent, their silence may be used against them to infer culpability in a Title IX violation.

    Title IX cases also have a much less strict standard of proof than criminal cases do.  In Title IX cases, the complainant must prove that the violation occurred by a preponderance of the evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. As a Title IX lawyer can further explain, this means it is possible for a federally funded school to find someone guilty of a Title IX violation even if they are acquitted of related criminal charges, have those charges dismissed prior to trial, or were never criminally charged.

    Possible Outcomes of a Title IX Case

    The upside to the differences between Stamford Title IX violations and criminal charges is that the potential end results of a Title IX case is generally far less impactful than the end result of a criminal case, if convicted.  Someone convicted of a criminal charge like Sexual Assault, which also constitutes a violation of Title IX, could face years of imprisonment, thousands of dollars in fines, and potential loss of certain civil privileges.

    Conversely, if a school disciplinary board finds that someone violated someone else’s Title IX rights, the consequences of the violation cannot result in any jail time or monetary fines. Instead, it may result in institutional punishments like loss of privileges or access to facilities on campus, suspension, and, at worst, expulsion from the college or university where the violation occurred. These are still severe consequences, but ones that will not result in a permanent criminal record.

    A Stamford Attorney Can Further Explain Title IX Investigations Vs. Criminal Charges

    Title IX cases can be difficult to handle alone in proactive ways whether they are accompanied by criminal proceedings or not. It is important to understand the significant similarities and differences between a Title IX investigation and  criminal charges in Stamford, since you will want to have defense strategies custom-tailored to each type of proceeding.

    An experienced Title IX lawyer from Mark Sherman Law can help you develop the best strategy, specific to your case, and will work tirelessly to help you achieve a favorable case result. Call today to discuss your options, and click here to read verified reviews from over 300 past clients on our profile.