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    Stamford Title IX Respondent Lawyer

    Being accused of violating someone’s Title IX rights while you are attending college or university can be a confusing experience under virtually any circumstances. While Title IX proceedings are very different in practice from criminal cases, their outcomes can be similar in how they can impact you personally and academically.

    Fortunately, you have support available to you from a knowledgeable Stamford Title IX respondent lawyer who understands every aspect of how these cases work and can work diligently to ensure you get the best possible resolution. If you have been accused of any form of sexual discrimination or violence at school, contacting a Title IX attorney from Mark Sherman Law should be your number one priority.

    What Rights Do Title IX Respondents Have?

    One important commonality that Title IX cases have with criminal cases is that you, as the respondent—meaning the person accused of violating another person’s rights—are presumed innocent of the allegations made against you and you do have the opportunity to defend yourself while your school conducts a fair and impartial investigation.  A Stamford Title IX respondent attorney can explain in more detail the meaning of fair and impartial for Title IX cases versus its meaning in criminal cases.

    For example, while you have the right to bring an advisor with you to a Title IX hearing or any other proceeding overseen by your school, you do not have a constitutional right to legal counsel like in a criminal case. Additionally, depending on what measures your school deems appropriate for protecting the complainant involved in your case, you may not have the right to cross-examine your accuser or stay on campus while the investigation is ongoing.

    Effectively Contesting Allegations of Title IX Violations

    Perhaps most importantly, the standard of proof for Title IX cases differs from the one that applies to criminal cases. Instead of needing to prove your guilt for the Title IX violation(s) beyond a reasonable doubt, your school’s investigators will only need to prove that it was more likely than not, by a preponderance of the evidence, that you committed the violation(s) in question. As your Title IX respondent lawyer in Stamford can affirm, this leaves a lot of room for subjective interpretation of circumstantial and purely speculative evidence.

    This is why it is especially vital to get help from professional legal counsel when facing Title IX allegations, regardless of whether those allegations lead to or are already accompanied by criminal charges. Among other things, your legal representative can help determine whether Title IX rules actually apply to your case in the first place, as well as ensure that your school is fair.

    Contact a Stamford Title IX Respondent Attorney for Assistance

    Facing an accusation that you violated someone’s rights under Title IX can be an intensely stressful experience no matter how that accusation comes about or what specifically you stand accused of doing. It is important to remember that you have rights during this process, just like the person who has accused you of misconduct does, and enforcing those rights could be essential to protecting your best interests.

    Representation from a Stamford Title IX respondent lawyer will give you far better chances of resolving this matter favorably versus handling it on your own. Call today to learn how Mark Sherman Law can assist you, and read some of the 300+ verified reviews from past clients on our profile by clicking here.