Stamford Title IX Sexual Assault Lawyer
In addition to mandating gender equality in athletic opportunities and other programs operated by federally funded universities and colleges, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments also prohibits other forms of gender-based discrimination in these American educational institutions. This includes discrimination against people targeted by acts of sexual assault while on campus or otherwise on property owned by their school.
If you have been sexually assaulted while at school, you may have standing to press criminal charges against the person who assaulted you and standing to file suit over your school violating your Title IX rights. Speaking with a Stamford Title IX sexual assault lawyer should be a top priority when your rights have been violated on campus.
What Rights Does Title IX Provide to Sexual Assault Victims?
Under Title IX, federally funded colleges and universities in Connecticut and throughout the United States are required to take specific steps to prevent sexual violence from occurring on campus and to protect people who have experienced sexual violence on campus from experiencing any future harm. College students and faculty members have numerous rights under Title IX which include and are not limited to:
- The right to file a Title IX complaint after experiencing sexual assault without fear of retaliation from other students, faculty, and/or school administrators;
- The right to have reasonable accommodations made—for example, changing class schedules or getting different housing arrangements—to ensure their future safety and minimize long-term harm to their academic career following a sexual assault report;
- The right to specific academic support—for example, extensions on class assignments or rescheduled exams—after experiencing sexual assault when needed;
- The right to have support services provided by their school on a confidential basis; and/or
- The right to have no-contact orders and/or similar measures put in place to prevent future harm from the person who allegedly assaulted them.
Support from a knowledgeable Stamford Title IX sexual assault attorney can be crucial both to understanding these rights and to proactively enforcing them.
How Title IX Proceedings Differ From Criminal Cases
It should be emphasized that Title IX cases are not only different from criminal proceedings, but they are entirely separate from them. This means that criminal charges are not required for a Title IX claim to proceed, and it is possible to achieve a favorable result from a Title IX lawsuit even in situations where the defendant has been acquitted of criminal wrongdoing.
Additionally, Title IX proceedings are typically handled internally within the school without a state or federal court being directly involved. There are instances, however, where there could be state or federal involvement. Both plaintiffs and defendants involved in Title IX lawsuits over sexual assault in Stamford may have different rights and requirements imposed on them when compared to what they could expect from a typical criminal case, as a qualified lawyer can explain in more detail.
Consider Working With a Stamford Title IX Sexual Assault Attorney
If your school receives federal funding of any kind, they are legally required to take reasonable measures to prevent you or anyone from being sexually assaulted on campus. If you have nevertheless been assaulted or otherwise targeted by sex-based discrimination, federal law requires your school to ensure that no further harm comes to you. It also requires your school to continue supporting your academic career while investigating the allegations and taking disciplinary action against anyone found to have violated your rights.
Unfortunately, schools in Connecticut are far from perfect in enforcing Title IX and sometimes are limited in their basic understanding of Title IX regulations. Getting help from a Stamford Title IX sexual assault lawyer is so important under these circumstances. Call Mark Sherman Law today to schedule a consultation, or see what past clients have said about working with us by visiting our profile.