Weston Third-Degree Assault Lawyer
While Assault in the Third Degree is the least severe variant of Assault, it can still have serious repercussions for anyone convicted – especially when it is categorized as a “family violence” crime. Whether this is your first criminal charge or you have an existing record, your dedicated Weston third-degree Assault lawyer can tenaciously protect your rights and pursue a favorable case resolution on your behalf.
What Counts as Third-Degree Assault in Connecticut?
Unlike some other states, the Connecticut Penal Code defines “Assault” as an action that requires someone else to be physically injured due to the defendant’s actions rather than just a believable threat of violence. According to Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) § 53a-61, someone commits Assault in the Third Degree when they intentionally cause injury to an intended target or another third-party. Per this statute, someone may also commit Assault in the Third Degree by recklessly causing severe physical injury. In this instance, “serious injury” is harm that results in severe disfigurement, serious physical or cognitive impairment, or that creates a “substantial risk of death” to another person.
Causing physical injury to another person through the criminally negligent use of a dangerous instrument, deadly weapon, or electronic defense weapon is also considered Assault in the Third Degree in Connecticut. A Weston third-degree Assault attorney can provide legal support throughout cases based on any of these definitions of this offense.
Potential Consequences of a Third-Degree Assault Conviction
Assault in the Third Degree, as defined above, is considered a Class A misdemeanor, whereas virtually all other forms of Assault defined in the Penal Code are classified as felonies. A conviction may be punishable by a maximum of $2,000 in fines and a one-year jail term, as well as a lengthy period of probation.
Notably, anyone convicted of committing Assault in the Third Degree through the criminally negligent use of any dangerous or deadly weapon may be subject to a mandatory minimum one-year jail term, meaning that sentence may not be reduced or suspended by the court. Additionally, as per C.G.S. § 53a-61a, anyone who commits Assault in the Third Degree against someone they know to be pregnant, intellectually- or physically-disabled, or at least 60-years old is also subject to this mandatory minimum one-year jail term.
It is worth noting that Assault in the Third Degree against a “family or household member” may be considered “family violence.” This will typically lead to expedited pre-trial proceedings and a protective order being imposed against the defendant. Support from a qualified attorney is especially crucial to handling third-degree assault cases in Weston with this label attached.
Seek Help from a Weston Third-Degree Assault Attorney
Assault in the Third Degree is a misdemeanor offense, which makes it comparatively less severe than most other forms of Assault in Connecticut. However, it is still vital to contest these charges vigorously since even one misdemeanor conviction could substantially impact your personal and professional life moving forward.
A conversation with a Weston third-degree Assault lawyer can provide you with more information about your case and your possible defense options. Call Mark Sherman Law today to schedule a meeting, and click here to visit our Avvo profile to learn what previous clients have said about working with us.