Stamford DUI Alcohol and Drug Counseling
A licensed alcohol and drug counselor is a specific type of counselor that is asked to do any kind of substance abuse evaluation or Stamford DUI alcohol and drug counseling services. A LADC or licensed alcohol and drug counselor is usually a private individual entity who performs these services.
If you have been ordered to see a counselor as a condition of your release, or you wish to see one of your own volitions, speak with a distinguished DUID lawyer that can put you in touch with a counselor that can help.
Benefit of Working With a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
The benefit of doing Stamford DUI alcohol and drug counseling with a LADC is their flexibility. They sometimes can be paid through insurance and other times they will only accept direct payments but in any event, they are private, meaning that they work by appointment with the person who is seeking their services.
With that comes a good degree of flexibility, in terms of employment services. It also allows the LADC to offer an appropriate program or set of services that not only address whatever it is that the LADC determines might be an issue, but also it addresses it in a way that allows a person to continue doing things that are productive with their life such as working and caring for their family.
Why Might Someone Be Ordered to See a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor?
Often, the court will order Stamford DUI alcohol and drug counseling if they are concerned about the person’s ability to drive a vehicle without being under the influence. Or, if the court has any concern that the circumstances that led to the DUI might reflect a deeper problem or issue that the person might need help in addressing.
In those circumstances, the court may order substance abuse evaluation and treatment and if the court is looking to do that, the court will first be inclined to make a referral to AIC unless and until the person that is arrested proposes the option of seeking the same sort of treatment through a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
What Happens After Someone Is Ordered to See a LADC
If the court does take that option and allows an arrested person to seek private services, the court would be asking the arrested person to produce a letter or some other confirmation from the LADC that confirms the type of services that the person has received, the number of times that they have engaged in those services, and any sort of recommendations that the LADC may make with regard to treatment in private.
Should a Person Seek Treatment Even If It Is Not a Condition of Release?
Most people that are arrested for Stamford DUI or DWI should seek some form of treatment while their court case is pending regardless of whether the court order has a condition of release.
The reason why is because it looks favorable to the person in the eyes of the court and the prosecutor if they are making an affirmative effort to address any substance abuse issues that they may have.
It may be the case that that person does not have a substance abuse issue or an issue of serious concern, that being said, if a person does seek treatment or counseling, the court, and the prosecutor would not need to take the arrested person’s word for it.
How Seeking Counseling Can Impact a Person’s Case
The court would be able to see that the person has engaged in counseling and in evaluative services that address any substance abuse issues that might be there. That gives everybody more confidence that somebody else has looked at this person’s health.
While this does not guarantee that there is no problem or guarantee that something will not happen again in the future, it does increase the likelihood that if there was some sort of red flag, the red flag will be identified and the issue can and will be addressed.
The court and prosecutor will have more confidence that it will be addressed because the arrested person has obviously shown a willingness to engage in these types of services. Any type of counseling with the substance abuse services helps and that can be in the form of AIC, a person can request to be referred to AIC without the judge ordering it themselves.
Getting In Contact With a Counselor
A person can also seek Stamford DUI alcohol and drug counseling services through a licensed alcohol and drug counselor on their own and present a letter to the judge and the prosecutor that shows these certain types of services that they have been engaged in.
A person can also seek other types of alcohol and substance abuse treatment through things like Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and other types of counseling or group services that are offered at different churches and non-profit organizations.
If an individual wants to know more about seeking counseling, they should contact a qualified DUI attorney that can help provide them with the right resources.
How an Attorney Can Put Someone in Touch With the Appropriate Substance Abuse Counseling Services
An attorney that is experienced in handling Stamford DUI or DWI arrests may be familiar with the array of services that are out there for somebody to do a substance abuse evaluation and any follow-up treatment that is necessary. The attorney will be familiar with the whole array of services that are out there from the most serious and intensive type of services like in-patient treatment or out-patient, intensive out-patient treatment at a particular location all the way down to things like AA meetings, AIC, or individual counseling within an LADC.
What the attorney can do is present those options to the person that is arrested and help them get in touch with the appropriate services that will be best tailored to fit their needs not only for their own well-being in terms of what type of substance abuse treatment they need but also in terms of the type of treatment that will best work with their life schedule. The attorney can help make the process of identifying the most helpful and appropriate Stamford DUI alcohol and drug counseling services a lot easier.