What is a Juul?
A Juul is a type of e-cigarette, popular among young people, that works by creating an aerosol to activate the ingredients. Use of a Juul is commonly known as “juuling” or “vaping.”
Is it illegal to Juul in Connecticut?
Under Connecticut General Statues § 19a-342a, it is a criminal infraction to vape in a variety of places including school buildings while student activities are being conducted, college dormitories, restaurants, and retail stores.
Is it illegal to buy a Juul?
Only if you’re under 18. As the best Connecticut criminal lawyers can explain, Connecticut criminal law CGS § 53-344b prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from buying or possessing an e-cigarette, like a Juul.
Is it illegal to sell a Juul?
Possibly. If your business sells Juuls or other e-cigarettes, you must verify the purchaser’s age from a driver’s license, passport, or ID card. If you fail to do so and you sell to a minor (someone under 18), then you can be in violation of the law.
Contact a Top Connecticut Criminal Lawyer Today
Has your teen been issued an infraction ticket for possessing or using a Juul in Connecticut? Are you being suspended or facing school discipline in Connecticut for a juuling or vaping? Have you been fined for selling e-cigarettes to minors?
Contact the Connecticut criminal lawyers at Mark Sherman Law today. For more information on our firm, click here to see our Avvo.com certified reviews. Then give us a call at (203) 358-4700.