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    What Can I Do If My Stamford Criminal Case Dismissal Was Postponed Because of COVID-19?

    What Can I Do If My Stamford Criminal Case Dismissal Was Postponed Because of COVID-19?
    • With Connecticut courts continuing to operate on an extremely limited basis, most Stamford court dates are getting postponed for 60-90 days.
    • Right now, Stamford courthouse is still closed.
    • Background checks can pick up your Stamford criminal case until it’s dismissed.

    • If your Stamford Accelerated Rehabilitation or Impaired Driver Intervention Program dismissal was moved, call a top Stamford criminal lawyer attorney for help.

    Stamford Superior Court is Closed – Cases Are Being Kicked 1 to 2 Months

    Connecticut criminal courts are unfortunately far from fully open. Since March 16, 2020 – in an effort to flatten the curve and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 – criminal courts have been hearing only “Priority 1 matters,” which include domestic violence arraignments and arraignments for those held on bond.

    I got a Notice from Stamford Court Postponing my Case. What Now?

    Any case that isn’t “Priority 1” is subject to getting postponed. Stamford Court has been pushing cases back for 60-90 days. Cases that are ready for dismissal, including Accelerated Rehabilitation and Impaired Driver Intervention Program cases where you’ve done everything required for the program, are getting postponed along with everything else.

    If my Stamford AR or IDIP Dismissal was moved, can I get it scheduled sooner?

    If you received a notice postponing your Accelerated Rehabilitation or Impaired Driver Intervention Program dismissal, any of the top Stamford criminal lawyers may be able to get it heard earlier once courts re-open by filing motions in court. Once the court is staffed again, the best Stamford attorneys will work with the judge and prosecutor to try to get your case moved up and dismissed as soon as possible.

    Will I be able to Complete my Stamford IDIP Classes during COVID-19?

    If your Impaired Driver Intervention Classes were interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, don’t panic. Stamford IDIP classes are switching to remote classes, so you’ll still be able to complete the program requirements. If you’re not going to complete the classes in time because of COVID-19, your Stamford DUI / DWI attorney can file a motion in court to ask for additional time due to coronavirus delays.

    What can I do about Background Checks if my Stamford Dismissal is Moved?

    Unfortunately, a pending case still shows up on background checks, even if the original dismissal date has passed due to COVID-19. Some of the best Stamford criminal lawyers are assisting their clients by communicating with current and potential employers and confirming that your case will be dismissed and expunged from your record. For more on exactly what a dismissal in Connecticut means, check out this post.

    Why an Early AR, FVEP or IDIP Dismissal is Important

    Besides showing up on background checks, postponement of your AR or IDIP dismissal means that your case remains pending. If you get arrested while your Stamford AR or IDIP is still pending, it can violate the terms of your program and subject you to additional prosecution. Under Connecticut erasure law, after a dismissal you’re allowed to swear under oath that the arrest never occurred. The prosecution cannot re-open a dismissed case for any reason.

    Call an Experienced Stamford IDIP / AR Attorney Today

    If you received a notice that pushed back your Stamford Accelerated Rehabilitation or Impaired Driver Intervention Program dismissal due to COVID-19, get in touch with a team of attorneys who can help to get your matter closed as soon as possible. Check out hundreds of reviews from past clients at Then give us a call at (203) 358-4700.