Greenwich Operating a Drug Factory Charges
Operating a drug factory is a serious criminal charge in Greenwich and other areas of Connecticut. However, navigating the legal system can be difficult if you do not understand the drug laws behind such charges and how they could affect your case—often with life-changing consequences.
Arming yourself with information is a good way to ensure you are treated fairly if you find yourself faced with Greenwich operating a drug factory charges. For any additional questions, it is advisable that you reach out to a criminal defense attorney for more guidance on your individual situation.
Being Charged with Drug Crimes in Greenwich
In Connecticut, a drug factory is defined as any place used to manufacture, mix, distribute, refine, or hold an illicit substance, according to Connecticut General Statutes §21a-240. Anyone charged with operating a drug factory in Greenwich may face one or more specific crimes under this statute, such as:
- Drug synthetic substitute manufacturing
- Drug processing, including mixing with other substances
- Transportation with intent to distribute or sell it
- Drug paraphernalia possession, including information on drug production
These charges carry penalties of extended prison time, as well as potential fines up to $25,000, as emphasized in C.G.S. §21a-777. However, in certain situations, Connecticut law could allow for you to be issued a warning, as per C.G.S. §21a-776.
Punishments for Non-Drug Dependent Persons
Connecticut has circumstantial statutes for individuals who are not dependent on drugs. According to C.G.S. §21a-778, a non-dependent person may be charged if they produce or sell the following drugs:
- One ounce or more of heroin, or a heroin-containing compound
- One ounce or more of methadone
- Half an ounce or more of cocaine
- Five milligrams or more of lysergic acid diethylamide
The court authorizes a minimum jail sentence of five to 20 years with a maximum sentence of life in prison for those convicted. However, certain circumstances, such as age or mental condition, could lead to your sentence being suspended.
Possible Defenses
Defendants and their attorneys can potentially raise a variety of defenses to drug factory operation charges in Greenwich. For example, if you had no contact with the illicit substances in question, you could claim they were unaware they were working in a drug factory.
Under C.G.S. §21a-277, a court must consider the knowledge of the defendant in cases involving drug paraphernalia possession in a drug factory, including tools to produce illegal substances. In certain cases, someone who reasonably believed that they were working in a legitimate pharmacy or were authorized to sell prescription drugs could provide a similar defense. Since much of the criminal defense process varies case-by-case, though, it is advisable to contact a drug lawyer who is familiar with the local laws and Connecticut penal code.
Take the First Step Towards Contesting Operating a Drug Factory Charges in Greenwich
If you are facing Greenwich operating a drug factory charges, one of the first things you should do is learn about the laws surrounding your charges. It is easy to make life-altering errors if you do not know your rights.
If you need additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact a qualified drug lawyer. Compassionate and knowledgeable legal counsel may be able to work with you and help you pursue a positive result to your case.