Stamford Domestic Violence Arraignments
What happens during your domestic violence arraignment can have a huge impact on how your criminal case plays out and ultimately concludes, so it is crucial to understand as much as possible about this process well in advance of it actually happening. If you have questions about Stamford domestic violence arraignments, talking to a qualified domestic violence lawyer in a confidential meeting should be your top priority.
Basic Procedures for Domestic Violence Arraignments
In a typical criminal case, arraignment may happen anywhere from a couple days to a few weeks after someone is arrested, depending on the nature of their charge(s) and whether they were detained after their arrest. In Stamford and throughout Connecticut, domestic violence arraignments always take place on the next business day following an arrest or citation, and very often within 12 to 24 hours.
Once the defendant in such a case arrives at court, they will first meet with a Family Relations Counselor, who will ask various questions about what happened, who was involved, and what relationships the defendant previously had with those parties. Based on this interview, the Counselor will draft a report for the judge to review.
During the actual hearing, the judge will explain to the defendant the charge(s) against them, inform them of their rights, and ask for an initial plea, which the defendant does not necessarily need to provide at this time if they are not prepared to do so. In addition, the judge will establish, that, based on the arrest reports, the police had probable cause to arrest the defendant in the first place, and will either review the bail amount set by the police or set bail themselves.
Will There Always Be a Protective Order Issued?
During most domestic violence arraignments in Stamford, the judge will also issue a criminal protective order meant to last until the conclusion of the defendant’s upcoming trial. Depending on the specific type of offense they stand accused of, this order may simply require them to refrain from any further harassment or mistreatment of the person they allegedly targeted, or it may impose substantial restrictions on where they can go relative to the protected party and even whether they can have any contact whatsoever with that party.
Even though it is meant to be temporary, the terms imposed by this kind of protective order are legally enforceable and, if violated, could allow for substantial criminal penalties that may be even more severe than those associated with the underlying domestic violence offense.
Call a Stamford Attorney for Help Preparing for a Domestic Violence Arraignment
Arraignment occurs quickly for domestic violence charges in Connecticut, so you should waste no time in contacting legal representation after being charged with such an offense. Even at this early stage of your case, what you say during this hearing and what the court decides to do can dramatically affect what happens later, as well as your chances of securing a positive final result.
Stamford domestic violence arraignments are much easier to handle with knowledgeable legal counsel on your side. Click here to read our over 300 certified client reviews on, and call today to schedule your confidential consultation at Mark Sherman Law.