Weston Child Pornography Lawyer
If you are facing accusations involving obscene images of minors, the next steps you take could have an immense impact on the path your future takes. An experienced Weston child pornography lawyer can help you fight your case and seek a positive outcome.
How Does State Law Address Child Pornography Possession?
Connecticut takes possession of child pornography extremely seriously and prosecutes diligently. Under Connecticut General Statutes §53a-193(13), any physical or digital image or video recording of a person under 16 engaging in sexually explicit conduct qualifies as “child pornography.” C.G.S. §§53a-196d through 53a-196f define three distinct degrees of child pornography possession as a criminal offense, which are differentiated by the amount of illicit material the defendant allegedly possessed. You may face additional investigation by the Department of Children and families for possessing child porn, if that’s the case click here to learn more.
What Are the Degrees of Possession of Child Pornography?
Under C.G.S. §53a-196f, third-degree possession of child pornography involves a person over 18 years old knowingly possessing between one and 20 images or still frames of a video depicting sexually explicit conduct involving a child. Under C.G.S. §53a-196e and 53a-196d, the second-degree and first-degree variants of this offense involve possession of between 20 and 50 illicit images and/or video frames, and more than 50 illicit images and/or video frames. Additionally, possession of any child pornography that depicts a child suffering or threatened with serious physical harm, or of any video depicting multiple sexual acts or multiple children engaged in sexual acts is automatically possession in the first degree.
How Much Jail Time Can I Face for Possession of Child Pornography?
Depending on the degree, possession of child porn may be classified as a Class D, Class C, or Class B felony, meaning that maximum penalties could range from a maximum of five years in prison to a maximum of 20 years with five ineligible for suspension, as well as maximum fines of $5,000 to $15,000. However, C.G.S. §53a-196g does outline certain affirmative defenses to this kind of charge that a Weston child pornography attorney could go over in further detail if they apply to a particular case.
Under C.G.S. §53a-196c, anyone who knowingly brings three or more “visual depictions of child pornography” into the state of Connecticut is guilty of a Class B felony offense. As with first-degree child pornography possession offenses, at least five years of any prison sentence stemming from a conviction for importing child pornography are ineligible for suspension or reduction by any court. As per C.G.S. §53a-196b, promoting any obscene material or performance depicting a minor is also a Class B felony.
The most severe child pornography offense codified under state law pertains the employment of a minor in an obscene performance, which C.G.S. §53a-196a defines as a Class A felony punishable by no less than 10 and no more than 25 years in prison, as well as a maximum fine of $20,000. Representation from a skilled child pornography lawyer in Weston is especially crucial for anyone facing these types of charges, as there are no affirmative defenses for importing, promoting, or creating child pornography.
A Weston Child Pornography Attorney May Be Able to Help
A Weston child pornography lawyer could be an essential ally when attempting to contest accusations of this nature. Head over to Avvo.com to read our hundreds of 5-star reviews, and call today to schedule a confidential consultation.