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    Connecticut Resisting Arrest Lawyer

    One of the most commonly charged crimes in Connecticut is interfering with an officer, which is also known as resisting arrest in Connecticut, under C.G.S. § 53a-167a. This particular crime is meant to protect police from individuals who become aggressive, hostile and unruly while they are interacting with police, whether it be during a routine traffic stop, investigation, or other incidental contacts with law enforcement.

    The reality, though, is that an interference with police/resisting arrest charge is often gratuitously added to a list of criminal charges created by the police to put more pressure on a criminal defendant during their prosecution. If not fought and defended against properly, the charge is easy for Connecticut prosecutors to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

    If you are facing an interfering with police charge, reach out to a Connecticut resisting arrest lawyer. A top criminal defense attorney could fight for you.

    What are the Penalties of Interfering with an Officer/Resisting Arrest?

    This is a Class A misdemeanor, which is the most serious type of misdemeanor in Connecticut. So, what kind of penalties could you be facing following an interfering with an officer/resisting arrest charge? They include:

        • Up to 1 year in jail
        • Maximum fine of $2,000
        • Possible probation time

    Why is this such a tricky charge? The answer lies in the vagueness and ambiguity of the actual interference statute. The interfering and resisting arrest statute specifically prohibits “obstructing, resisting, hindering, or endangering” any police officer or firefighter in the performance of their duties.

    An experienced Connecticut lawyer would agree the broadly written language of this statute gives police wide discretion in charging someone with resisting arrest. Interfering with an officer charges usually come up during an arrest when the suspect becomes unruly, belligerent, nasty, or physically aggressive. The police will claim that the resistance and interference made it difficult and dangerous for the arresting officers to do their jobs. Note that interference is neither as serious nor egregious as the crime of assaulting a public safety officer under C.G.S. § 53a-167c, which usually encompasses the underlying interfering/resisting arrest conduct, but also with physical injury to the police officer.

    What Kind of Conduct is Considered Interfering in Connecticut?

    As our top criminal lawyers in Connecticut will tell you that there are no hard and fast rules in determining what kind of conduct justifies a Connecticut 53a-167c interfering/resisting arrest charge. What kind of conduct is considered interfering with an officer or resisting arrest? Actions include:

        • Pushing or shoving the officer out of the way
        • Kicking at the officer
        • Spitting on the officer
        • Wrestling with law enforcement
        • Grabbing the officer
        • Arm-swinging, which could make it difficult for the officer to make the arrest
        • Verbally abusing the police

    Believe it or not, even the slightest struggle or flinch with police can justify a charge for resisting arrest. An interference charge can even arise while the officer is performing duties totally unrelated to you like crowd control at a concert, directing traffic, or answering an emergency 9-1-1 medical call. This is why it is critical to be respectful to the police even if they do something to aggravate you. They have a great degree of power and discretion to arrest you for an interference with police in Connecticut.

    Defending Against Resisting Arrest Charges

    Most Connecticut interfering and resisting arrest charges arise during initial interactions with police, which are often under some form of video or audio surveillance. Many police vehicles have dashboard cameras and police will soon have cameras on their actual uniforms to record a suspect’s conduct during an arrest. Thus, there is often electronic surveillance evidence available to assist your attorney with building a defense against interfering with police/resisting arrest charges. However, if your attorneys do not file motion papers to preserve this electronic evidence, then it can disappear very quickly. Many digital recording devices are on 30 to 60-day loops, making it all the more critical to hire a seasoned Connecticut lawyer to preserve this evidence and aggressively fight your resisting arrest case.

    Contact a Connecticut Resisting Arrest Attorney Right Away

    If you are facing charges for interfering with police/resisting arrest under C.G.S. § 53a-167a, call one of the experienced lawyers at Mark Sherman right away. Our “two-attorney” review system stands out from our competitors and guarantees all of the police reports in your case will be carefully examined and reviewed by at least two of our attorneys skilled in this practice area. Call us today at (203) 358-4700 so a Connecticut resisting arrest lawyer could help defend you against these charges as quickly and effectively as possible.