Yale Disorderly Conduct Lawyer
Fighting back against accusations of disorderly conduct could be much easier with assistance from a talented defense attorney experienced with fighting this unique and uniquely complicated charge. By retaining a Yale disorderly conduct lawyer, you could give yourself much better chances of resolving your case without any lasting consequences.
What Is “Disorderly Conduct” Under State Law?
Disorderly conduct is among the most common, and most vague, criminal charges that law enforcement authorities levy against Connecticut residents. While there are some actions specifically defined as disorderly conduct in the state penal code, police officers often throw this charge at anyone who acts in what they consider to be a disruptive way.
According to Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) §53a-182, there are seven ways in which someone could commit the offense of disorderly conduct. Six of these actions are fairly straightforward, as noted below:
- Engaging in “violent, tumultuous, or threatening” behavior, like getting in a fight in public
- Being unreasonably loud or making too much noise
- Unlawfully disturbing a lawful gathering
- Obstructing pedestrian and/or vehicle traffic
- Remaining in a public place within a large gathering after receiving a “reasonable official request” to disperse
- Trespassing on someone else’s property and observing them without their consent in a place where they had a reasonable expectation of privacy, known colloquially as being a “peeping tom”
The seventh definition of disorderly conduct is where things get complicated because the text of the relevant statute simply defines it as annoying or interfering with someone else by offensive or disorderly conduct. This redundant phrasing gives law enforcement officers a huge amount of leeway when it comes to defining when someone is being “disorderly,” and that, unfortunately, makes these charges uncommonly difficult to effectively contest without help from a knowledgeable Yale disorderly conduct attorney.
What are the Potential Consequences of a Disorderly Conduct Charge?
Disorderly conduct is not a particularly serious criminal offense in Connecticut, but that does not mean it shouldn’t be taken seriously. The state penal code classifies it as a class C misdemeanor, meaning that the most a person charged with this offense could face in terms of criminal consequences after a conviction are a $500 fine and a three-month maximum jail term. As any seasoned lawyer could affirm, though, that does not mean that being accused of disorderly conduct at Yale is not a potentially serious problem.
Even if a court elects not to impose any criminal penalties whatsoever following a conviction for disorderly conduct, the fact that the defendant was in fact convicted of a crime would remain on their record for years to come, potentially limiting their occupational and educational opportunities. In addition, merely being charged with disorderly conduct in a situation that law enforcement authorities consider to be domestic violence—in other words, involving threatened or actual harm to a family or household member—could lead to the imposition of a protective order and further consequences in family court, regardless of what outcome ensues in criminal court.
Consider Working with a Yale Disorderly Conduct Attorney
Whether you have a clean criminal record or have been a defendant in court before, having the Mark Sherman Law firm by your side during a disorderly conduct proceeding could be crucial to effectively protecting your future prospects.
Our capable Yale disorderly conduct lawyers can provide custom-tailored assistance and advice from start to finish of your case. Don’t just listen to us though, click here to read from hundreds of prior clients who have worked with our office to learn more about what you will get with the team at Mark Sherman Law. Call today.