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    Darien Child Pornography Lawyer

    If you are facing charges for child pornography in Connecticut, you have the right to seek help from a local sex crimes defense attorney. With help from a Darien child pornography lawyer, you may be able to significantly reduce and mitigate the penalties of a conviction.

    What Are The Various Child Pornography Possession Offenses in Darien?

    Connecticut state law defines three degrees of child pornography possession, all of which are felony offenses. The least severe is possessing child pornography in the third degree, a class D felony which Connecticut General Statutes §53a-196f defines as knowingly possessing between one and 20 instances of child pornography, or one video or series of images with less than 20 frames depicting a single sexually explicit act involving a child.

    If someone possesses between 20 and 50 visual depictions of child pornography or one video with more than 20 frames depicting a single act of sexually explicit conduct involving a child, they may face charges of second-degree possession of child pornography under C.G.S. §53a-196e. Since this is a class C felony rather than a class D felony, potential penalties upon conviction may include a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, rather than five years of imprisonment and $5,000 in fines.

    Finally, first-degree child pornography possession—which entails possessing 50 or more visual depictions of child pornography, one or more such depictions showing a child threatened with or suffering serious physical injury, or any video showing more than one sexually explicit act involving a child or more than one child participating in such an act—is a class B felony under C.G.S. §53a-196d, as is importing three or more instances of child pornography into the state under C.G.S. §53a-196c. Assistance from a skilled Darien child pornography attorney may be especially important to mitigating penalties for these offenses, which may include a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $15,000 fine.

    Is Promoting or Employing Minors in Obscene Performances Illegal?

    Like first-degree child pornography possession and importing child pornography into Connecticut, C.G.S. §53a-196b makes the promotion of a minor’s obscene performance a class B felony. In the context of child pornography, this offense involves promoting and/or selling material depicting children engaged in sexually explicit conduct with full awareness of the material’s illicit nature.

    Finally, the most severe child pornography offense under state law is employing a minor in an obscene performance, which C.G.S. §53a-196a codifies as a class A felony and defines as either directly employing a minor in child pornography or knowingly permitting a minor to engage in such a performance as that child’s legal parent or guardian. A conviction could result in 10 to 25 years in prison, making the retention of a skilled child pornography lawyer in Darien even more essential.

    Seek Representation from a Darien Child Pornography Attorney

    A qualified Darien child pornography could work on your behalf to tenaciously protect your rights and contest the accusations made against you. Check out our hundreds of certified client reviews by heading over to and call today to set up a consultation in a confidential setting with our lawyers.